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Showing posts from July, 2009

The New Hairdo

I have a mother's hairstyle. Picture the outcome when you snip the whole chunk of your hair and it having cut just once. Straight cut. No layering no nothing. No joke. That's my hairstyle now. Just below my shoulders. This is sweariously funny. Watch this (: ROFLMAO!

To win some or learn some

Ten things on top of the head: 1) I don't see the dire need for MSN now as much as years back. Like seriously. I just sink into this pure laziness thinking it's pointless to transfer all messages I want to convey from my head just because thoughts/ideas are processed so much faster there than my fastest typing speed. And by the time they are finally conveyed, they just seemed so warped and unpersonal. Besides people just don't chat so much anymore. 2) Need to fast tomorrow. 3) I don't see why my family can't make the effort to go out once a fortnight on weekends or something. At least it beats the idea of staying at home where people are so engrossed in their own business and work. So much for quality time. Pfft. 4) I am so into Gossip Girl now. Dan Humprey's lines are love. Gotta thanks aiman for the great tv shows, high possibility I'm hooked. Thank god for leftover chips on the table, I'm so gonna munch-away! 5) Feels the sudden urge to read book port

La Vie

- Anyway. My own version of "Life is like a box of chocolates." would be.. When life gives you a box of chocolates when you least expect it to, you didn't jump for it simply because you don't crave for it. Until someone else takes it away and eats happily in front of you. Then, you wonder what it would be like if you had taken the box of sumptuous chocolates and eaten it instead. Then you crave. - Life is really weirding me out right now. Am here to sit and watch the games fate is throwing to it. My mom bought an MP5 with my aunt of size 8MG. She's like watching all these recent movies now. And I realised that the singapore flags hung outside people's flats are increasing now. My god, it's gonna be August soon! Oh and on another random note, I think out-of-the-box ideas come flowing faster when I'm running a bath or when I'm in the confines of the toilet. Ha!

Food paradise?

I just got back from the perfect getaway of the moment yesterday afternoon. Technically I didn't really stay in KL, it's more of staying at Sunway at Sunway hostel in the compounds of the Sunway University campus. How cool huh? Perfect was the word to describe because I ate to my heart's content (someone remind me that gluttony is one of the deadly sins), slept till late, unrushed, carefree and with heaps of laughter. It was just pure fun and it was nice seeing Kiki again, thanks for the accomodation in your room! And all the fun hassle to come in and out of the hostel separately just not to get the security guards suspicious. Haha. So I'm a happy goober. Why? Here's the list of things/places we ate at: Nandos Subway Auntie Anne's Baskin Robbins (nuurun had tons of ice cream) Ichiban Ramen Some bakery Secret Recipe A&W Johnny's Paratha Wrap/Crispy Wrap San Francisco Coffee Restoran Nasi Kandar Jaafar (LOL) Haagen Daaz Manhattan Fish Market Food cour

MIddle of nowhere

Perhaps I should put on my glasses to look as closest as possible to my old passport photo. KL tomorrow with nuurun and kiki baby! Random getaway, just needed to see somewhere else. Tonight I'm thinking of a situation whereby how you can easily lose a friend just because of a break-up. I think this is stupid and this is so unnecessary. Especially when both parties haven't had any closure and they are not friends just because of a dumb break-up. Why can't people just fight for the friendship at least if you can't build a relationship? Aren't humans created so that they can form bonds? Either way, if a relationship doesn't work out, they can always be friends for all you know, perhaps that's what they are meant to remain as. Being total strangers is just being absolutely mean. There's always the second best option. No harm trying? Period. and i don't know what the hell is the trigger for such rants above. ignore me. Forget me not, I ask of you Wherever

Riding the highs

We had a meeting/planning session for our next NUSHA trip in December to India at Nuurun's (hopefully when the times comes I'll really be going). T'was pure fun. Apart from getting things done we shared really nonsensical stuffs causing all those uproarious laughter. As usual. Anyway I decided to take 51 from Hougang all the way to jurong east, I should have thought twice before getting on it because it was a bloody long journey though I enjoyed the 1.5 hours ++ but still it's long and I never wanted to be home any sooner. What with all these weird people who had to contemplate (longer than average) to which seats they wanted to sit on. I've never seen anyone contemplated so hard for that. Anyhow, the funniest thing upon getting onto the upper deck was that I received a call from Aalok, which I just bidded goodbye to about 2 minutes ago from the interchange. And he started saying that he was on a bus right behind my bus. Then guess what? We ended up like waving fran

When you need moolahs

I reckon that I don't have to get pissed drunk (like, God forbids) just to get high. Throughout the bus ride on the Night Rider with aiman & khai, we were totally in heaps of laughter till the end of it. Bloody twerps. And they claimed that I haven't taken my medication. Me: Daym, I missed the pj times. Khai: Then? Go buy the newspaper la! FTW! And then we were talking about this girl called Constance. Aiman: I don't think there are much changes to her right now, she's constance what. WTH! Seriously! Anyway I think what qeen said about the cheesy wedding picture of ron and hermione below being guffaw-worthy is true. HAHAHAHA. But well, I'm just giving a peep on what's in store for them in the future. Funny, why did they do that photoshoot anyway? It seems that life has temporarily gone to a halt, still but moving. When you have nothing in store for the day, when you can spend hours in front of the tv, and just doing nothing in particular, when you go out

Hogwarts Buzzz

*like this picture So cute right! Rupert and Emma are just so cute together, I can't wait to see that in the Half-Blood Prince (ok, maybe the development only) :D As shaggy as Rupert is, I like him. As both Ron and Rupert, haha! Can't wait to catch this soooon!
Yum, butter biscuits and caramel go pretty well.


I ought to blog about something tonight but I'm far too lazy and sleepy. My sleeping pants is chocolate-tainted (thanks to Lindt and Fauchon) which reminds me of how the supply of chocolates at home needs some replenishing. Eff, do I really need to go to certain lengths to get tastier, quality, cheaper chocolates? I managed to squeeze two pieces of clothing I just bought into my teeny new bag, and I amaze myself like that. I'm still floating between abnormal and developmental psychology and to decide which one I should prioritize for the module preference exercise. From where I am; next to the windowstill and 45 degrees from the view of a 3/4 full moon glowed in orange, the night is young. And I think I might go to bed anytime soon. Right now, all I can think of is a song from grey's anatomy. I believe whatever he's saying is true in this song. Awful truth? Wait, wait for the dawn my dear Wait till the sun gets here And you will wait too long he will be gone Wait, wait


I'm awake yet again thinking about something that's been bothering me for days. I don't know why my mind's at it these days. What's it? My raison d'être . My reason of being. If being 20 marks the initial stage of being at the crossroads, then I'm totally experiencing it. Have you ever wondered what are you born to do? To become? What am I meant to do? What do I love doing most? Would I end up doing something I love the most? What am I good at? What exactly do I love to do, and what exactly am I good at, I don't think I really know. Or perhaps just bits of it. I need to find it. To seek for something that makes me feel alive and whole. Something which tells me that this is how I should live life. Something tells me that I need to take risks. I've been too long in my comfort zone. Perhaps a year? Maybe I should do something out of ordinary, to find it.

Momentary bliss

Being with Aishah really brings out the worst of the drama queen in me. And this is no joke. We both could really make some scenes worthy of a known play (someday) HAHA! It's all in the name of fun, teasing each other and acting all stupid or dumb or crazy or even pissed, and we give no shit to the surroundings. This sounds really gay but I like being dramatic with her. Today we met up since she has a day-off from her idea of a hell hole, Borders, and we played a silly game of vocabulary. Like I said something like, "Ey, why must you disregard me because of an ice-cream (that she's eating)" and she claimed that 'disregard' is a strong word. Yet, on another occasion, she said "Yeah, I'm trying to decode you" when you can easily say 'I'm trying to understand you' HAHAHA. And we bantered on and on like that, using the best of our vocabulary. Like, from unique to unusual to exquisite and so on so forth. We're on a roll man. LMAO. Eff
I just finished reading Queen of Babble a couple of days ago, and apart from the bimbotic funness of it, I think it's nice. Meg Cabot knows how to enrich the book by imparting certain quotes and also excerpts on vintage fashion that makes the book a whole lot interesting. What totally capture my attention would be some quotes. Gossip is charming! History is merely gossip. But scandal is gossip made tedious by morality. - Oscar Wilde (1854-1900), Anglo-Irish playwright, novelist and poet. Woo this is Oscar Wilde sayin'. Never to talk about ourselves is a very noble piece of hypocricy. - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German Philosopher, classical scholar, and critic. Anyone who has obeyed nature by transmitting a piece of gossip experiences the explosive relief that accompanies the satisfying of a primary need. - Primo Levi (1919-1987), Italian chemist and author. Talk is pure art. Its only limits are the patience of listeners who, when they get tired, can always pay for thei


Transformers 2 was great, or at least better than I expected it to be. True, the first one is more original, but the second one has a thrilling plot and includes some emotional elements, like how Optimus Prime and Sam died (but didn't really) and these scenes are effing tear-jerker! Anyway, I'm looking forward to The Proposal, Half Blood Prince (!!!) and The Time Traveller's Wife! Anyway I saw Amrit again today, dressed in her usual sleeping gown, along with her mobile phone and cigarette under the void deck, yakking away with god knows who over the phone. Like I see her once a fortnight doing the usual routine and it often amuses me. And when we caught each other within a distance away, she'll always give that "Oh, it's you again, how nice!" look. It's just nice to see someone familiar each time you come back home at night. Maybe we're meant to see each other and talk about something other than school, life on the surface and stuffs. We used to ha

When the bells ring

Bread and caramel don't go together at all! It's true, I tried. Unlike bread with kaya or nutella or jam. My Brittany caramel is really nice though, I just need to find a compatible food to go with that's all. Which was why I bought frozen crepes from Carrefour. The bad thing about it is the after-effect of being microwave-d. It's just a little.. soggy. Not nice :( I need pancakes. Perhaps that would be good. Went to Kak Lin's wedding on Sunday. Was nice seeing relatives again. I think I'm very much closer to my second cousins than my direct cousins from my dad's side, like seriously. The thing I like about my dad's side of the family is that it's too huge that I see various faces in just one event and I'll end up figuring how we're related. I love to see how the connection works. My mom's side is too petit, I kinda know everyone haha. That's Kak Lin. She's my dad's cousin's daughter. So that makes her my 2nd cousin? So ha

Give the world your best anyway

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you Be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness,they may be jealous Be happy anyway. The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow, Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough Give the world the best you’ve got … anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God, It never was between you and them anyway. — Mother Theresa

Les Animaux

Thanks Kiki for asking me to go to the zoo, well, since your bro has the free pass LOL. Awesome shizz! Totally love this picture. Kiki and her Mauritius friend., Ummay. Seeing Singapore with her had been fun! Haha. And the fact that I can practise a lil francais with her. And for the courtesy of my love for monkeys, I shall post my favourite picture of the day. My cute little baby baboon! How adorable. Out of all animals, I still love the monkeys, be it chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or baboons (: So the whole night, I spent the time at Kiki's place, since there's only the field separating our residences, just playing Boggle. It was a good night for cracking brains towards the expansion of vocabulary. The best part was when Ali (11-year old) stated that he had a word none of us has, and said "Slut! S-L-U-T, slut!", all us gasped and then laughed in unison. So funny! Ok, goodnight for now!