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Transformers 2 was great, or at least better than I expected it to be. True, the first one is more original, but the second one has a thrilling plot and includes some emotional elements, like how Optimus Prime and Sam died (but didn't really) and these scenes are effing tear-jerker! Anyway, I'm looking forward to The Proposal, Half Blood Prince (!!!) and The Time Traveller's Wife!

Anyway I saw Amrit again today, dressed in her usual sleeping gown, along with her mobile phone and cigarette under the void deck, yakking away with god knows who over the phone. Like I see her once a fortnight doing the usual routine and it often amuses me. And when we caught each other within a distance away, she'll always give that "Oh, it's you again, how nice!" look. It's just nice to see someone familiar each time you come back home at night. Maybe we're meant to see each other and talk about something other than school, life on the surface and stuffs. We used to have good conversations when I was 17, and then we had our own lifes to think about. But anyway, it's just nice seeing people you know around the neighbourhood. It's not like everyone here is my friend.

Today I did one thing I haven't done in ages. EXERCISING. It isn't as simple as how it was before, I could run anytime with faddy or eva back then before uni (how on earth did we run ever so regularly?!). Anyway, I started to do jumping jacks since I remembered how Mr Yaw made us do hundreds of them and we were sweating like mad. And then I did push-ups and sit-ups when it suddenly dawned on me that I should do crunches as well. No biggie when we always do it during the touch rugby days right? (eons ago, I should add). Wah, little did I know I technically FORGOT how to do the damn crunches. What I exactly did to regain my memory of it was to lie down with both my legs up in a 90 degrees position. Then I realise oh I should bend my legs and voila!


But it feels good. I need to exercise more from now onwards. Just the thought of eating in abundance and to mention VARIETY of food everyday makes me feel sick and disgusted. Screw the weight-conscious society, we should exercise just because. And to execute that, you really can't be lazy like me.


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