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To win some or learn some

Ten things on top of the head:

1) I don't see the dire need for MSN now as much as years back. Like seriously. I just sink into this pure laziness thinking it's pointless to transfer all messages I want to convey from my head just because thoughts/ideas are processed so much faster there than my fastest typing speed. And by the time they are finally conveyed, they just seemed so warped and unpersonal. Besides people just don't chat so much anymore.

2) Need to fast tomorrow.

3) I don't see why my family can't make the effort to go out once a fortnight on weekends or something. At least it beats the idea of staying at home where people are so engrossed in their own business and work. So much for quality time. Pfft.

4) I am so into Gossip Girl now. Dan Humprey's lines are love. Gotta thanks aiman for the great tv shows, high possibility I'm hooked. Thank god for leftover chips on the table, I'm so gonna munch-away!

5) Feels the sudden urge to read book portraying childen and people of Iran. Ok bottomline, need to read something real and intellectual. Hoorah for school (trust me this is short-lived).

6) Can't get over the fact that qeen pointed a guy whose hands went under his shirt just to scratch his back publicly at FairPrice Extra ha! You say random, I say that's how we're bonded LOL.

7) I am so high on carbs now. Not that I really care at all. Just so you know.

8) Reached to a conclusion that I shan't sit around too long, I should start making an effort to know the guy(s) I kinda admire. Shit I'm too lazy to even do this. Such a bummmer. Forget this 8th point.

9) I've a pimple in my ear almost ready to burst. Ouch ooo oooo.

10) I've grown accustomed to having this need to think/write/create/dig out something inspiring from me. Just couldn't find anything much inspiring today.

Ok bye.
Wansta read and watch GG.


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