I'm awake yet again thinking about something that's been bothering me for days.
I don't know why my mind's at it these days. What's it? My raison d'ĂȘtre. My reason of being. If being 20 marks the initial stage of being at the crossroads, then I'm totally experiencing it. Have you ever wondered what are you born to do? To become?
What am I meant to do? What do I love doing most? Would I end up doing something I love the most? What am I good at? What exactly do I love to do, and what exactly am I good at, I don't think I really know. Or perhaps just bits of it.
I need to find it. To seek for something that makes me feel alive and whole.
Something which tells me that this is how I should live life.
Something tells me that I need to take risks. I've been too long in my comfort zone. Perhaps a year?
Maybe I should do something out of ordinary, to find it.
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