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Showing posts from August, 2012

In transition

So for the sake of some quick updates, I've been having about a month of bumming. I had officially graduated after 4 years, which now felt very much like 4 months instead when I look back. It's amazing how time flies. I'll talk more about school as I intend to dedicate a blog entry for this particular milestone since school has been a significant part of my life and it deserves a proper closure in writing. I spent about 3 months doing an internship soon after and ever since it ended, I've been clinging to my 4 weeks of freedom very dearly before the start of my first official job. While I planned my last few days, the first realization I had was the very fact that I had almost no memory of the last time I could spend my days freely and doing whatever I wanted to. The last was probably the period of time after the A's, but most of it was spent doing a part-time job. This week has been refreshing. For one, I notice how beautiful the afternoons are. While the majorit

Ramadhan 1433

There's this tinge of sadness that Ramadhan is coming to an end. This time round it stems from the fact that I wished I could have done so much more and make it so much more fulfilling. To attain fulfillment not only in the spiritual sense, but fulfillment in my way of life, in the pursuit of a better quality of life. There are always learning points and it is very timely that this period is somewhat marked by some crossroads. I faced certain dilemmas as to doing certain things, I ended having to do another round of soul-searching, putting myself out in a rather vulnerable position, and reflecting upon things in life that have made me questioned a lot. Through such process, it is never easy to attain tranquility. Sometimes when the mind is not at rest, the heart cannot follow suit. But thank God, there were a few nights I attained that, and I should be thankful enough to have at least some days of peace. It's hard to let go especially when I started the month with clear intenti


Korean dramas can really make you feel good; they can make you laugh but also never fail to make you cry at least once! Another show done! Thought this song was the most catchy one throughout the show. Yong Hwa is really good in this one compared to when he was in You're Beautiful. So here's my top 5 picks for awesome korean shows: 1) Boys Over Flowers (just cos I'm biased and I absolutely adore Lee Min Ho) 2) You're Beautiful 3) My Girl 4) My Lovely Sam-Soon 5) Secret Garden I'd say you'll cry the most for #1, 3 and 5. Really.

Some time with myself

I think introversion comes with age, really. I'm a very good example. Ever since I stopped interning, I've just been keeping a lot to myself. If you compare a 4-months ago me and the present me, I was probably more extroverted back then. I don't know if social networking sites are accurate means to gauge one's extroversion, you could check me out on Facebook and with the timeline feature (a great way to stalk, may I add), you could see the number of things I was sharing or how people connected with me, 2 years ago as compared to now. There were more random stuffs I was happy to entertain and crazy, crazy wallposts (now that I'm reading them I cannot stop laughing!). I suppose Facebook does show how much and how well you are connected to a certain extent. Of course I do not dismiss the other factors that contribute to one's extroversion and I do agree with the superficiality of certain interactions via social media. Dang, I need to get out of this. Don't

Unlearn & Relearn

One moment, this state of oblivion seems very settling and the next moment, life grabs and takes you to places you never thought you'd be. Or places you never thought you'd be so soon. And soon enough you need to face up to the complexities of the world and accept the fact that the world is this colossal place, full of infinite ideologies and knowledge, and more that are waiting to be discovered. It makes you feel small, knowing that you only know this much, when there are actually so much more out there, much more than you can possibly imagine. Scientists have discovered the amount of brain usage a human can possibly employ and that the average amount we actually employ is not maximized to its fullest potential. Thus, it is daunting to know that on top of what we already do not know, there are more unknowns that are beyond our comprehension. And so it is the duty of us to seek the best that we can. And the hardest part is to seek with an open mind knowing the vastness of the i

Happiness & Peace

Often we hear of the challenges in the pursuit of happiness. But I think the difficulty lies in the pursuit of inner peace, not the pursuit of happiness. If your heart and mind is at rest, there lies contentment, and ultimately, you will naturally feel the glow of happiness. Seek for inner peace. If something is troubling you and it is disrupting your state of tranquility, there is then very little room for happiness. Happiness will not be possible if the body, mind and soul is not at rest. Seek for inner peace and find balance. Only then you'll find happiness.