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Ramadhan 1433

There's this tinge of sadness that Ramadhan is coming to an end. This time round it stems from the fact that I wished I could have done so much more and make it so much more fulfilling. To attain fulfillment not only in the spiritual sense, but fulfillment in my way of life, in the pursuit of a better quality of life. There are always learning points and it is very timely that this period is somewhat marked by some crossroads. I faced certain dilemmas as to doing certain things, I ended having to do another round of soul-searching, putting myself out in a rather vulnerable position, and reflecting upon things in life that have made me questioned a lot. Through such process, it is never easy to attain tranquility. Sometimes when the mind is not at rest, the heart cannot follow suit. But thank God, there were a few nights I attained that, and I should be thankful enough to have at least some days of peace. It's hard to let go especially when I started the month with clear intentions and with exuberant energy to do so much only to realize I achieved so little. But it is coming to an end, and time waits for no man. The only takeaway from this is to learn how to imbue such spirit in the other months as well. To have this once a year is indeed a blessing and it should not be taken for granted as it calls for us to strive for spiritual cleansing with the doors open to seek for forgiveness and to reap its multiple benefits. Such beauty.

Indeed with every Ramadhan comes its own set of challenges, and I should continuously strive to make the next one better than the previous one. Goodbye, till we meet again next year, God-willing.

This verse resonates most with me this Ramadhan. Just for sharing.

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And God has full knowledge and is well-acquainted (with all things)."
(Holy Quran, 49:13)

On a lighter note, Happy Eid Mubarak! Time to stuff-face. What are festivities without awesome food?
Om nom nom.


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