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Showing posts from September, 2011

Living Louder

I absolutely love The Cab, particularly this one sung by them. Great lyrics. Living Louder - The Cab If today's the day I die Lay me down under the lights Let me fall in love Let me save a life And let me lose my voice Singing all my favorite songs Let me stare up at the stars 'Cause its where we all belong My heart like a fight Your working my chest My only regret is having regrets Travelled the world I loved every step And all I know is; No one, no one lives forever We will be remembered For what we do right now And baby I'm living louder And dreaming longer, tonight And baby I'm fighting harder And loving stronger tonight 'Cause we're all just kids Who grew up way too fast Yeah the good die young But the great will always last We're growing older But we're all soldiers tonight If today's the day I go Gonna drink with all my friends Gonna laugh until we cry As we talk and reminisce And let me kiss a stranger And rob the local bank Let me become re


I am so inspired to write probably a short, brief entry on extroverts and our biases about them. It is just an observation that I thought would be worthy to write about, just because (and that I refuse to study right now). Also, I've always been intrigued about people's personality and how these portrayals of "self" can actually influence how others may treat you the way they do. And lastly, while extroversion has its positive connotations, there are some dark sides as well. Based on the layman's definition of 'extrovert', it simply describes a person who is energized by being around other people. So what I think could potentially be a bad thing for extroverts is how people form erroneous impressions of them that might undermine the true substance that makes up the person himself. What I mean by this is how people can easily arrive to the conclusion that just because extroverts possess a relatively wider circle of friends, they do not strive for depths in


Sometimes I think, I think too much. But someday, you gotta be doing the questioning. And on top of that, you get answers. But I really do think too much. And I over-analyze. But then again, I get answers. And then, the emotions come.


Oasis says "Don't Look Back In Anger". But have you ever looked back and feel that if you've been given another chance to relive your life, you will not change a thing? It's Friday today. Well, I would say that it's been a pretty ordinary day. Had to force myself out of bed and I attempted to be in school by 9 am but failed miserably (as did everyone else in my group) for a project meeting. Had to brave the crowd to get to the science faculty to get my laptop fixed. Typically, my day in school revolves around readings, groupmates, and just awesome people I love to socialize with. If there's one thing I feel grateful for, it would really be the people in it. I have mentioned this number of times before; that if I don't feel socially connected, it's as good as saying that I'm dead. So I am eternally grateful for people who make school bearable. Anyway cutting to the chase, the reason why I brought up the question at the very first paragraph is be

Because I form conversations in my head everyday

Gosh so the internet connection is screwed or maybe it's just my 3-year-old beloved laptop. This is really in the moment kind of entry because I realised that one of my best abilities is to dream and dramatize. Although mind you, through the years I've become really practical in terms of mentality but every girl dreams right? So I realised that I tend to have one-sided conversations, with myself (yeah I know, sounds crazy) but I believe everyone has this self-talk going on. But I do that. It could be someone imagining a whole conversation with let's say, an old flame. Perfectly normal. I know some of you would probably think that having one-sided conversations can lead to regret especially if we don't fully execute it but it is actually a form of catharsis. But that's not the point I'm trying to put across. While I am here typing on this iPhone in the school library's multimedia room, with a rather mediocre view of the trees, I am here wondering perhaps I co

School and Modules

It's 3:30 PM and I am still on my bed. I love Fridays. Actually it's also because of the fact that I have a 3-day work week after all the module drama I had to face. Monday to Wednesday. But this also means that I have more time to slack, so I'd go to school anyway to catch up with the crazy readings. So officially, I am reading these modules: Positive Psychology Addictive Behaviour Sport Psychology Evolutionary Psychology Ok nyeh hope that looks good. Please help me in my CAP, thanks. So here's just a short list of the things you appreciate when you're in Year 4 1) The familiar faces 2) That's about it I FEEL OLD. Been listening to Priscilla Ahn, she's just brilliant. Alongside other influential female artists :) On a bright note, Happy Eid Mubarak although I'm a few days late.