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Oasis says "Don't Look Back In Anger". But have you ever looked back and feel that if you've been given another chance to relive your life, you will not change a thing?

It's Friday today. Well, I would say that it's been a pretty ordinary day. Had to force myself out of bed and I attempted to be in school by 9 am but failed miserably (as did everyone else in my group) for a project meeting. Had to brave the crowd to get to the science faculty to get my laptop fixed. Typically, my day in school revolves around readings, groupmates, and just awesome people I love to socialize with. If there's one thing I feel grateful for, it would really be the people in it. I have mentioned this number of times before; that if I don't feel socially connected, it's as good as saying that I'm dead. So I am eternally grateful for people who make school bearable.

Anyway cutting to the chase, the reason why I brought up the question at the very first paragraph is because right at this beautiful moment, sitting in my living room and still in my school clothes, I feel nothing but bliss and gratitude. This morning, I woke up and I felt good about myself. I took a few seconds to say thanks to God, and thanks to myself for feeling good. When I was on the 20-minutes bus ride back home just now, I feel nothing but gratitude too. Now you must be wondering why. Well, they say creative juices flow when you're in showers. For me, my mind wanders to great lengths when I'm on bus rides. I took the time to look back and reflect upon the past 6 months. About a couple of months ago, I remembered myself being in an ugly mess. I remembered the person I was at that time, I only remembered how bleak I thought life was, and I remembered asking "How do I go on?" once upon a time. When I looked at my past self and myself right now, I feel a sense of positivity crawling from my skin, and that my outlook seems to improve, and I feel nothing but pure gratitude. I am aware that this state of the moment might be short-lived, or it could be long-lived, but whatever it is, I am just deeply grateful and I am allowing myself to bask in this moment, even if it is for little while.

If you look at the second paragraph, sounds like I had a typical day huh? But any typical day can be filled with so much meaning, if you let it. And for me, it is a day filled with bliss and gratitude.


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