Gosh so the internet connection is screwed or maybe it's just my 3-year-old beloved laptop. This is really in the moment kind of entry because I realised that one of my best abilities is to dream and dramatize. Although mind you, through the years I've become really practical in terms of mentality but every girl dreams right? So I realised that I tend to have one-sided conversations, with myself (yeah I know, sounds crazy) but I believe everyone has this self-talk going on. But I do that. It could be someone imagining a whole conversation with let's say, an old flame. Perfectly normal. I know some of you would probably think that having one-sided conversations can lead to regret especially if we don't fully execute it but it is actually a form of catharsis. But that's not the point I'm trying to put across. While I am here typing on this iPhone in the school library's multimedia room, with a rather mediocre view of the trees, I am here wondering perhaps I could be a scriptwriter? Since I make conversations in my head everyday, and some of them are pretty dramatic and good. Ha, ktnxbye!
It has been more than 2 years since I published anything on this blog. I have written a few reflections quite abit during this time, but they are mostly in draft versions, probably reflective of the scatteredness of my thought processes, or the ongoing engagement with the topic which has yet found a proper resolve (or is there ever a resolve really?), or just me finding mere words to articulate my thoughts that are waiting to be entertained and possibly verbalised or written. I'm driven to write this post precisely because I can't entirely ignore the nagging voice inside my head, telling me to use writing as a tool to not only express myself, but to reclaim my voice. It is such an insanely noisy world. The constant stream of information from different online platforms not only pull me from various directions, but it spreads my attention too thin that it is impossible to follow one stream of thought, sit on it for awhile, slowly reflect and if possible, articulate it. It is not ...
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