I could have switched it on. But something in me resisted, as if camouflaging in darkness was the most intuitive thing to do at that moment. To remain obscure, to remain still, to embrace darkness as an innate element within us all. There's something comforting and alluring about darkness. You let light not penetrate the space, you momentarily handicap your vision. Your other senses start to come alive. You are able to seek light within, you become the illuminated, you become light. Your existence is no longer defined by external standards. You cease to exist, but your core remains. You allow yourself to be seen solely by its essence. And these utterings, they stop diffusing into the surroundings, instead the darkness becomes the vessel that teleports your prayers beyond.
I rolled out the mat, I stood.
Allahu Akbar.
Where no one sees you, you only allow yourself to be seen by the Divine.
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