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Showing posts from February, 2012

Sleep & Hibernate

The human body has its ways to tell us that we need sleep, we need rest. The laptop has its ways too. So I've always put my laptop to hibernate mode instead of properly shutting it down. And today it suddenly refused to work on me, again. Just when things get busier and when I need my notebook the most. So I stoned for thirty minutes with a splitting headache, and decide to head home and hibernate too. Shan't ignore these signs that I too, need some rest.


Turning another year older gets more trivial as the years went by, but we learn to cherish the simple things in life. Like the beautiful people I'm continually blessed with; my parents and my family who have made the person that I've become today, my awesome friends with their heartwarming words that never fail to put a huge smile on my face, and to be blessed with a comfortable, mediocre life. Most importantly, I thank God for allowing me to live 23 years of this temporary life, which is so beautiful. All I'm looking forward to is a lifelong learning journey ahead to be filled with amazing experiences and opportunities coming my way for grabs, so that I know I live life to its fullest. And so I'd learn a thing or two about what life really is about, and that I could grow wiser, stronger in faith, a more contented individual and in general a better person. There's really nothing more I could say, but to say my utmost thanks. - 23 years old, and am still dreamy.


Rachael was great live! I think for someone to experience so much emotion and to translate it to write some beautifully sad songs, mostly deep songs and all in all just downright awesome songs is one difficult task. And to sing all these live and to feel the emotions through her naturally unique voice that resounds in the Esplanade Concert Hall is such a great way to spend a day in my busy recess week. Worth every dollar. So perhaps my entries have been very lyrics-filled lately. But this one's just good. Rachael was sick so she had problems doing the chorus, but she was amazing still! I found that record you'd been looking for yesterday The one I'd been searching for forever I played that record all night, you were right The last song said it all Even though it skipped a bit, it sounded better I never, I never, I never knew The only way to listen to a record like that Is to play it through But all of this means nothing Yeah, all of this means nothing All of this means noth


Oh Sara, you're always an amazing musician to me. I think this is one of my favourites from Kaleidoscope Heart. But then again, I think all of her songs are awesome! Well, I think we have those days where we feel so low, so bleargh that just need to feel rejuvenated. Here's the best song that describes it. I wish I were pretty I wish I were brave If I owned this city Then I'd make it behave And if I were fearless Then I'd speak my truth And the world would hear this That's what I wish I'd do, yeah If my hands could hold them you'd see I'd take all these secrets in me And I'd move and mold them to be Something I'd set free I want to darken in the skies Open the floodgates up I want to change my mind I want to be enough I want the water in my eyes I want to cry until the end of time I want to let the rain come down Make a brand new ground Let the rain come down Let the rain come down Make a brand new ground Let the rain come down tonight I hold on

Là où tu es

Immense et Rouge Immense et rouge Au-dessus du Grand Palais Le soleil d'hiver apparaît Et disparaît Comme lui mon coeur va disparaître Et tout mon sang va s'en aller S'en aller à ta recherche Mon amour Ma beauté Et te trouver Là où tu es. - When Kamal read this in French class, I can't help but to ask him for that piece of paper. I find this poem beautiful. Perhaps it's simple (or rather, my French vocabulary is that limited heh), or short, but I like it (: At least looking at romantic poetry is better than dwelling on the many tests and assignments and presentations I will be facing soon after the recess week *inhales

Saturday morning

It's a little, it's a little luck, it's a little so oh, oh, oh, what It's a little, it's a little love, it's a little love for what we've got It's another day to start making up Oh baby, just look how lucky we got. Saturday Morning on repeat while on my way to school on Saturday morning. Just lovely. One of Rachael's happier songs. So glad that she's singing happier songs for Chesapeake! Can't wait!


Want to watch again :)

Wait for me

I always find myself in the same situation too many times before. The world's a fast-moving place, I'm in a whirl and I just want everything to be in slow motion, I want it all to stop even just for a minute. And then I would ask myself; what is it that I really want to do? All I want to do, is really to be in the entirety of myself and treating myself like I am my own lover; listening attentively to myself and listening to my needs, my wants, independent of anything, anyone and any influences of any sorts. All I want to do is to sit somewhere and do nothing, with no disturbances, no emails, no text messages to attend to. I want to pick a good book and read in a safe, comfortable place, and just be pensive. And do a great deal of catching up with myself, perhaps with a good movie or in places where I could find tranquility. To take a bus to nowhere and just plugged into great music. And to think about life, think about the good times, think about many good times to come, think

You're beautiful

Through and through, I always believe that happy people are the most beautiful people (although yeah, it could and might work in reverse; the most beautiful people are the happiest people). But I persist to think that the former correlation is far more true. Because I've seen these people. It's really their inner soul that shines through whatever their physical appearances may be, whatever life they are leading, whatever hardships they may have faced. You can really see this glow on the faces of genuinely happy people; people with sincere duchenne smiles, people who exude positive energy, people who laugh, people who allow you to bask in their warmth, people who spread their joy and make it all so contagious. It's this ball of happiness that comes from within that is so beautiful, so strong that their faces just mirror that. To happy people out there who do happen to be reading this, I think you're beautiful.