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You're beautiful

Through and through, I always believe that happy people are the most beautiful people (although yeah, it could and might work in reverse; the most beautiful people are the happiest people). But I persist to think that the former correlation is far more true. Because I've seen these people. It's really their inner soul that shines through whatever their physical appearances may be, whatever life they are leading, whatever hardships they may have faced. You can really see this glow on the faces of genuinely happy people; people with sincere duchenne smiles, people who exude positive energy, people who laugh, people who allow you to bask in their warmth, people who spread their joy and make it all so contagious. It's this ball of happiness that comes from within that is so beautiful, so strong that their faces just mirror that.

To happy people out there who do happen to be reading this, I think you're beautiful.


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