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Ma vie pendant l'été

Hello earthlings! Woa, just like that time flew. I withdrew myself from this blog and I realized that it REALLY does need a lot of updating. For one, I had a temporary job for 2 months at People's Association. I was back in the same department I worked in exactly a year ago. For another, there was one point in time when I thought my life was a mess, it wasn't all so long-lived though (or so I hope). As they say, when it rains, it pours. But also, there's this saying that time heals all wounds, and that there's always light at the end of the tunnel. I, for one, believe that there are truths in such cliché-d sayings. And also, I went to Bangkok for a short, awesome shopping trip. I honestly do not know how three months fly.

I attempt to update my blog more, not for the sake of readers (I don't even know if there's anyone reading this anymore), but purely for myself. I remembered the humanistic feel I had a couple of years back, completely in touch with my feelings, and if there's any need for me to vent, I'd come here. And if there's any interesting thoughts and opinions, I'd turn to this space too. Also, Ramadhan is here, and I want to feel rejuvenated. I am amazed at how time really flew, here I am, standing and greeting Ramadhan again (thank you God for allowing me to see this day), and I am amazed that I'm standing here, doing my fourth, final academic year before I could see myself in that blue robe. I sincerely hope that the rest of the year would be good to me, and to my fellow loved ones.

I would love to give this book a second read. I wouldn't say that it's my ultimate lifesaver (although to some degree, yes), but I admire how Elizabeth Gilbert handled the shit that life throws her; that is just amazing. During the time when I was quite a mess, I came to realize that I was not alone, so my mind began to wander and think about everyone else, and the world. And I thought that, hey, when people are indeed a mess, they are blind to everyone else's sufferings. So I stopped to think about some of my girlfriends who had gone through shits, I thought about the losses that some of the people I know had experienced, and then suddenly I feel that my problem has become so minute, as if it diminishes when it's put against all the other pressing issues of the world. And then I realized, that, actually, all of us are broken, at one point in time. ALL of us, are broken. But then, we are given chances to be whole again, and that process is really up to how one handles it. And in my opinion, Elizabeth did it so well, I think this isn't the first time I pen down my praises of her here in this blog.

So yeah, roughly about 1 more week till school starts. It's time for me to make it awesome (:


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