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Work musings

My job involves keying in data, but what's more important are the details being keyed beneath this no-brainer job. In fact, it's saddening because I have to look through application papers for social assistance and financial help from mostly the broken families, or families with a deceased parent, or children with a parent serving his/her imprisonment, or abandoned kids born out of wedlock and whom their grandparents have to take reponsibilities for. It's even sadder to imagine these young children being exposed to such turmoil at the early stages of their lives.

Anyway, before I get too attached to this, my newfound colleague just had me laughing throughout the whole afternoon so much that I had to suppress as much as I can from my usual laughing outbursts. After expressing how saddening some family situations are, she told me that she has seen even sadder cases as she worked in some social assistance centre before. And this was when the joke came in. She explained how she came across really funny, weird names parents actually gave to their children(as gently discussed in The Noose as well LOL). And there was this particular name that had me laughing till I teared. And that is, PERIUK BIN KUALI. For those who don't understand, if I literally translate this, it means "Wok, son of Pan" Ok, technically both words means 'pan' if I'm not wrong. This is darn hilarious, can't take it!!! Cooking tools as choices of names? Seriously?!?

Met up with ruiqi, joy & jiayee today for another round of board games (for me). It was great catching up with the girls. Plus, Ruiqi made for us chocolates with smashed oreo fillings! Hello dear Martha Stewart! :) Very delicious thank you so much babe! They are good that I have to mention here :)


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