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Showing posts from June, 2010

The Downfall

OMG JUSTIN BIEBER DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IS GERMAN? Unbelievable! I love The Downfall parodies. They use this video for almost every single thing, about the CAP system, Kanye West dissing Taylor Swift, there's even one for the recent flood at Orchard Road LOL.

My Saturday

Visualize a baby bottle, you know, with the pacifier and all that. Apparently I have a natural knack of being picked to do silly things. It was Sangi's awesome 21st birthday party last night at Sentosa. And one of the games during the party consists of 'quenching one's thirst' by drinking a baby bottle full of coke. The first one to finish the bottle wins. YES, I WAS CHOSEN TO DO THAT. OMG! My mouth was sore halfway through the game. I never intended to win this (against 4 other competitors), because firstly, I hate coke but since this is warm coke it was pretty alright though, and secondly, to drink from a BABY BOTTLE? Why, I must applaud Sangi's awesome sister for coming up with such creative games haha. Am really magnetic towards the whole notion of sillyness but then again, that is probably a part of me. Anyway, I feel the excitement of the youth olympics game already! Because I had my first training cum bonding session with the rest of the NOC assistants yester

Work musings

My job involves keying in data, but what's more important are the details being keyed beneath this no-brainer job. In fact, it's saddening because I have to look through application papers for social assistance and financial help from mostly the broken families, or families with a deceased parent, or children with a parent serving his/her imprisonment, or abandoned kids born out of wedlock and whom their grandparents have to take reponsibilities for. It's even sadder to imagine these young children being exposed to such turmoil at the early stages of their lives. Anyway, before I get too attached to this, my newfound colleague just had me laughing throughout the whole afternoon so much that I had to suppress as much as I can from my usual laughing outbursts. After expressing how saddening some family situations are, she told me that she has seen even sadder cases as she worked in some social assistance centre before. And this was when the joke came in. She explained how she

If it's not too late for coffee

Went out with the most dramatic person who I can dramatize the most comfortable with, and whom, despite meeting up very regularly, I still don't get bored of. And yes, Aishah indeed has an eye for details also when it comes to shopping so I love subjecting my choice of shopping items to her scrutiny for further assesments (LMAO). So today's awesome! We then proceeded to the new scape just for Once Upon A Milkshake just to get our yummy Cookies & Cream milkshakes (but the tanjong pagar's branch has better ambience), and then we bumped into a group of musicians and they were strumming/drumming/singing away to COPELAND! Yes, coffee! Sorry, but I just HAVE to put the lyrics. There's plenty of time left tonight I promised I'd have you home before daylight We do the best we can in a small town Act like big city kids when the sun goes down If it's not too late for coffee I'll be at your place in ten We'll hit that all night diner And then we'll see Ther


Il Dolce Far Niente , Italian for "sweetness of doing nothing". I think we should all strive to achieve this state when such opportunities come along. Why on earth do we get agitated and uneasy each time we've got nothing to do? When in actual fact, we are supposed to feel relaxed and happy? We should bask ourselves in the pool of nothingness, without boredom looming in. Just like the Italians for they have perfected this so well.


I know this is probably another random entry. But I'm excited for Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows movie and I suddenly thought about the day when I read through the final pages of Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince. I must admit, I was actually mourning for the great Albus Dumbledore when he died (or got killed rather). Not the kind of mourning that goes on for days, just a momentary one. And I pictured in my mind, how everyone in Hogwarts were mourning for their beloved Headmaster and how solemn the environment must have felt to the extent that I actually thought that the bedroom where I was, in this tiny, little Singapore, felt equally dull and grey as well. It's impressive how characters come alive like that and reel me into the world of stories. I even had texted Revathi about how sad I felt when I was done with the book. Pardon for the melodrama, but it's the power of narration, and of course the brilliant writer herself, J.K Rowling. And certainly, the mo

There's always 1001 things to do

Now, I supposed most Singaporean bloggers will harp about the flood at Orchard Road. I shall skip that, although I'd like to add that I actually woke up this morning (11 am) feeling so good because the weather's nice. Little did I know for two hours there was a flood at Orchard Road and to think that such occurences are rarity. Ok I hope they would start doing something to the drainage system. Working at Media C. for 2 days was quite an experience, except that Aiman and I did nothing much on Sunday and we kind of did a million more things on Monday because we had ongoing tasks to do. Plus we've met exciting people and also, hmm, interesting people (of whom we secretly gave nicknames for us to refer to). I suddenly thought of The Devil Wears Prada and I actually wonder how the life of assistants are in this line of work, are they really treated like shit? Is that a part of climbing up the ladder in this career path? Ok random. The awesome thing is really to see how they swi


1. Never ever walk with anything else but flats (and NOT wedges) when you're walking uphill with winding paths to an isolated, important place, that seemingly feels like 400m worth of distance. So I established that amongst all kinds of shoes, flats are totally made for me. 2. I ate the best cheese fries ever today after such a long time. 3. I love food, and it's not only because they taste good, but I like how some of them look and the whole presentation of it. The best part of it is how pretty they can actually look in pictures! 4. I rarely take the train, but when I do, I actually enjoy the rides (the un-peak hours of such rides). And each time I take the train, I would find myself wondering how long it would take to reach from one end to the other in another city (considering the fact that it only takes about at most 1.5 hours to do that here, in Singapore). 5. The thing is, I do feel like being in another city each time I imagine as such. 6. I love cozy cafes with beauti

I need a challenge

Now I feel like doing just one thing and that's just it. So far I feel like I've been running around doing a million random things, like tuitioning, and then to autism centre for volunteer, and then interviewing dialysis patients. And then soon I will be helping khalilah with a one-day media corp thing and there's gonna be YOG training soon. I need to just do one thing, I'm feeling kind of bored just being here and there, and everywhere. KL for 3 days was awesome. Being high during the course of the trip was an understatement. Shopping there was a disappointment though, hopefully I'll be able to go there again in July and perhaps the sales would be better. But food wasn't a letdown at all. I wish the trip was longer though. Actually, I just feel like being in some faraway place to get a good feel of holiday mood because I don't feel much of a holiday just being in Singapore. Dream on. I also need to find some good deal of time to read. I hate it that everyti

Les mots tres beaux

J’ai lu tes cartes après longtemps. Je pensais pour un instant que pendant tout ce temps, j’étais une folle. Parce que mon faiblesse, c’est les mots. Les mots très beaux. Et aussi, ceux qui ont été la clé de mon cœur. Maintenant je me demande, pourquoi je les ai lus ? Pourquoi pourquoi pourquoi ?