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1. Never ever walk with anything else but flats (and NOT wedges) when you're walking uphill with winding paths to an isolated, important place, that seemingly feels like 400m worth of distance. So I established that amongst all kinds of shoes, flats are totally made for me.

2. I ate the best cheese fries ever today after such a long time.

3. I love food, and it's not only because they taste good, but I like how some of them look and the whole presentation of it. The best part of it is how pretty they can actually look in pictures!

4. I rarely take the train, but when I do, I actually enjoy the rides (the un-peak hours of such rides). And each time I take the train, I would find myself wondering how long it would take to reach from one end to the other in another city (considering the fact that it only takes about at most 1.5 hours to do that here, in Singapore).

5. The thing is, I do feel like being in another city each time I imagine as such.

6. I love cozy cafes with beautiful furnitures, good music and good company. Sometimes it doesn't really matter if the cafe sells coffee, or milkshakes, or icecreams, or pastries, I just love cozy cafes in general.

7. Honestly, I'd like to be an Elizabeth Gilbert-ian (note to bala: I hope I can write one in the future too!)

8. Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was in Bali, and I spoke to a bunch of French people there. Oddly odd.

9. I realise that these days, I've just been facing blogger and having nothing much to write because probably I haven't found the right mix of things to say. Yesterday I theorized that probably, writing is just like cooking. You just need the right ingredients and making the right concoction, in the right mood. Pardon for the food references so far.

10. Details shouldn't be overlooked, or in this case, overheard. Like the beautiful pieces of instrumental sounds; every beat, every strum, every single bit of sound produced.

11. Humans should do incongruent things once in awhile, just like laughing as a greeting instead of the usual 'hello'. (yes you've guessed it, I did just that).

12. Last Sunday, while I was in the middle of nowhere between Singapore and KL and where everything was dark, we saw how the nightsky was emblazoned by beautiful, shining stars. I craned my neck to the best angles I could and it seemed as though it was literally a blanket of stars I saw. Like millions of them. God is great.

13. I think that one of the greatest reasons to live your life for is the yearning for closeness. To fight for that one person worth being close to.

14. The best way to measure companionship is having nothing to do, just the presence of you and your company, and walking out of it thinking you just had the best conversation ever. I am so close to believing that I can survive with just this, even if it means everyday. Because I believe that human touch, is so so important.


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