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Showing posts from May, 2010

Prince of Persia

Prince of Persia is totally made of win. AND JAKE IS SO HOT.


"What if she was meant to be, or could have been, someone important in my life? I think that’s what scares me: the randomness of everything. That the people who could be important to you might just pass you by. Or you pass them by. How do you know…I felt that by walking away I was abandoning them, that I spent my entire life, day after day, abandoning people.” - Peter Cameron There are times when I think about this from almost the same perspective. Although not to that profound extent of the whole 'abandonment' notion, but yeah you get my drift. Have you ever wondered how life can work in the most remarkable, yet the most randomest ways? And how people actually meet and get to know one another, which may or may not lead to something greater such as friendship and whatnots? And if you think about this for a moment, it is that amazing. Imagining a situation whereby a man and a woman got married, and never knew that they had actually "collided" numerous times befo

Juste autre jour

I've been stepped on the feet by numerous heels as of late. Ouch. Ok this is too random. I see this as an indicator of the increasing pace of the people in downtown. And of course my uncanny vulnerability towards things like these. Go figure. I'm currently stuck in this dilemma where I have to make up my mind as to whether I should volunteer or to earn money, and whether it's possible to juggle both. As much as I want to volunteer, I feel that this school holiday brings good opportunities to collect some money (when else can I do this?). But this comes with some effort since finding a job that suits your needs and fields of interests can be pretty tough. I went down to Autism Partnership yesterday and the supervisor showed us the classroom and the kids. I immediately felt that I would absolutely enjoy volunteering there. The moment I saw the classroom, the toys, the activities they have to engage in, the psychological theories being applied to them and definitely the impres

After so long

Hello world! I know that I've been gone for more than 3 weeks. I don't even have an entry on the last day of my exams but yeah! It's all over now and summer break's in! Even the exam results will be out in a week's time. To tell you the truth, I have no idea how exactly time flew for the past 3 weeks. But here's some: Nuurun has already been discharged and she's been doing good! I'm grateful that you made it through my dear. Strut with those nice shoes and your pretty shawl and we can go out again and enjoy the summer break! The usual, random socializing with people! Went to apply for volunteerism at IMH and Autism Partnership, we decided the latter and still waiting for confirmation if we can volunteer to work with the kids :) Was thinking that since I have free time, why not volunteer? But of course I need to get a job quick too. Had tuition marathons with tutee. 5 different tuition sessions but we're having one-week break for now. Hope he does wel