Hello world! I know that I've been gone for more than 3 weeks. I don't even have an entry on the last day of my exams but yeah! It's all over now and summer break's in! Even the exam results will be out in a week's time. To tell you the truth, I have no idea how exactly time flew for the past 3 weeks. But here's some:
- Nuurun has already been discharged and she's been doing good! I'm grateful that you made it through my dear. Strut with those nice shoes and your pretty shawl and we can go out again and enjoy the summer break!
- The usual, random socializing with people!
- Went to apply for volunteerism at IMH and Autism Partnership, we decided the latter and still waiting for confirmation if we can volunteer to work with the kids :) Was thinking that since I have free time, why not volunteer? But of course I need to get a job quick too.
- Had tuition marathons with tutee. 5 different tuition sessions but we're having one-week break for now. Hope he does well in his mid year exams.
- Had been working for Dr. Griva on her study on dialysis patients, over and done with that already now though. It went pretty alright but challenging at first since I had to speak comprehensible, fluent Malay (note that the Malay I speak can be very disjointed and pasar) to most of the patients and it sucked very much at the beginning. But it got better :) Also, I experienced a conversation with a dementia patient and that was quite some challenge especially since his train of thoughts was incoherent and short-span. It was also great that some patients are very chatty and their stories were actually very interesting.
- In need of an exciting job, otherwise my summer would suck doing typical things. Knowing how people tend to complain when they have too little or too much of things, having too much time on your hands is not good. Especially now that I can't fulfil my internship plans, I absolutely must find a good part-time job in place of that. I'm losing moolahs by the day.
- Went to JB one of the Saturdays, was a total eat-out plus movie time! Iron Man 2 and Bounty Hunter. I thought Bounty Hunter would be crappy but it turned out pretty good.
- Nisha's 21st birthday party was awesome!
- Although this constitutes probably very little (smaller than I wanted to), I did have some 'me' time, and especially involving Personal Taste and Lee Min Ho (and other great movies)!
- Managed to jog just ... ONCE. PATHETIC I KNOW.
- Number of books completed = 1/2 of a book. Geez.
- And other random things like staying overnight at Changi Airport with crazy friends, baking etc.
Also, I will be going to KL just for 3 short days. So kiki if you're reading this I hope you'll be free from 4-6th June to show us around!
So long! Hopefully I won't take very long to update another entry :) Enjoy your holiday people!
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