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Juste autre jour

I've been stepped on the feet by numerous heels as of late. Ouch. Ok this is too random. I see this as an indicator of the increasing pace of the people in downtown. And of course my uncanny vulnerability towards things like these. Go figure.

I'm currently stuck in this dilemma where I have to make up my mind as to whether I should volunteer or to earn money, and whether it's possible to juggle both. As much as I want to volunteer, I feel that this school holiday brings good opportunities to collect some money (when else can I do this?). But this comes with some effort since finding a job that suits your needs and fields of interests can be pretty tough. I went down to Autism Partnership yesterday and the supervisor showed us the classroom and the kids. I immediately felt that I would absolutely enjoy volunteering there. The moment I saw the classroom, the toys, the activities they have to engage in, the psychological theories being applied to them and definitely the impressionable children with so much potential, I feel that this could be an interesting challenge and experience. But classes would only begin from 1 pm onwards. Any jobs with morning shifts?

Today I visited the school dentist and I had the fastest filling session in the teeth-related history ever. You know I'm not exaggerating when I say that it felt like mere 5 minutes! How fast is that? The moment I entered, the dentist started drilling stuffs (you know the uncomfortable friction sensation, ugh), inserted some liquid crap and then shaped it after a while and voila, it's done! And to mention the increasing number of assistants crowding around me towards the end. Not that I'm claustrophobic, but somehow it seems as though I have a mini dental surgery with these people hovering around and passing the dental equipments above my head. I guess the assistants have so much of time in their hands since it's the school holiday.

I've just finished watching Personal Taste yesterday and I cannot help but to love the ending. Why do K-dramas always leave such an effect? I think this drama totally showcases Lee Min Ho's acting skills more than in BOF (although I totally went gaga over him in the latter). The character is too idealistic though, but it makes you warm and fuzzy inside. Such escapism (:

I need to brush up my French. Pronto. And also, these online modules for the upcoming olympic event are taking up my time. Ah, it better pays (:


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