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He who do not ask is a fool

I believe that there are always reasons and explanations to everything. This belief I've held onto have stayed on with me ever since the first time my mother imbued the love for mathematics in me. From simple sums to complicated ones as you climb up the educational ladder. Yes, I love mathematics simply because I know that it's impossible to not solve a problem, because there are always answers to them. And if the answers don't seem to jump at you, there are always means to finding solutions to solve the problem and there are explanations to why they are so. Afterall, why do we call them "problem sums" if there aren't answers? This is the cue when you come in to seek the correct answers you are looking for because you know it's possible. I'm not a math major now though, but that's a different story altogether.

I believe that this theory goes beyond mathematical sums. Problem-solving can be applied everywhere, and thus, my thirst to seek answers and explanation heightened through the years. As we mature and as human beings, we ought to seek answers. We often find ourselves revolving around the "why" questions. This is not an indication of a confused soul, it marks how mature we are becoming. We are all in the state of moratorium at one time or another. And I emphasize, we OUGHT to ask questions. Although I believe that there are still floating, hanging questions still unanswered, to have your curiosity piqued is an important thing. The most basic thing one can ask is pertaining to your own very existence. Who are we? Why are we here? How do we get here?

The category I am fearful of is to be put under the 'lost and aimless'. What we do not realise is how we have this natural tendency to follow the crowd blindly. One example would be to be born and brought up in a particular religion. We cannot simply claim ourselves as a member of that religion if your mere reason is that your parents and your ancestors are of the followers too. We need to constantly seek reasons to why we individually want to embrace a religion and why do we think such practices of that particular religion are correct. I am not saying that I have all the answers on my fingertips to everything with regards to Islam, it just dawned on me how vulnerable we can be into tailing the footsteps of the majority due to convenience. So this is again, our role to ask away. What is it about pork that Muslims are restricted from eating? Why don't Hindus eat beef? Why do they do cremation? Why not bury? etc. Then again, it goes beyond the topic of religion. Culture. Why do some cultures believe in superstition? Ah superstition. This is where you have to ask away and seek explanation. Do the reasons make sense? Why do people still avoid cutting their nails at night? You seek explanation because you want to make an informed decision.

So ask away, there are infinite things you can ask. Because if you don't start asking, you will never start finding answers. Ask, so you don't go astray.


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