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Here's what I think about time. The more you have time in your hands, the more you let it slip away. Just like how you try to collect more sand and how it overflows and escapes through the holes between your fingers. The time frame you envision is longer, thus, you do not keep pace. You think you can afford to let it slip away when in fact you can do more. The less time you have, the more you push yourself to work to keep pace, with the knowledge that time is unstoppable. This parallels with the whole idea of working under pressure. To be on your toes all the time. Aren't we all brought up in a society where everything's all so fast-paced?

I'm slowly attaining epiphany with regards to PL2132.
Jiayi has been really helpful. All you need in a working environment is really a good support system (:

I'm experiencing mixed feelings the whole day today. Sometimes I wish I could fly away to somewhere where I know no one. And just spill everything that's on my mind (not that I have much woes or anything) to a complete stranger. Spill and then leave. To a place where you are not tied down with any commitments, obligations, responsiblities. To a place where no one judges, criticises, ridicules. To a place where you feel free. Free of everything that adds on weight to your shoulders. Free of the little things hiding in the crevices of your brain. The idea of it seems really thrilling.


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