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Ten things

I like lists today.

1) I noticed that it has been pouring on every other Friday morning, maybe in the afternoon (or just evidences that it rained).

2) The rumblings of my stomach have been heard by joy and jamie. But thank god they're friends and not strangers if not I'd just pretend the noises didn't come from me.

3) I am not prepared for raya at all.

4) I am more excited for recess week than hari raya; but we'll see again tomorrow if the see-saw tilts the other way.

5) Am happy to spend last night with nuurun/aalok/sieg/salihin/firdaus (except for mumu) after a long time! We're on the way to building a team guys (:

6) Is here to say that good sleep is predominantly a determinant of your mood. So now I'm pretty happy because I had a good one.

7) Is dissatisfied with stats quiz marks, and performance of french test (because I think I made silly mistakes I only realised after the test), but it's ok! Moving on.

8) I am sort of sad that my ramadhan has been fast, I think it's because I've been sick for days. Nights of Lailatul Qadr had been beautiful too.

9) Is looking forward to good food, and although I haven't been responding well, I'm excited to jalan raya with the usuals, maybe the pj gang, to nuurun's place with the rest of the peeps, and inviting people over! (:

10) Hereby, despite all that above, the equation for next week will be: study > fun BECAUSE.... the readings are neverending, unless a miracle happens and I don't have to read 'em. Hmm. But knowing me, I might succumb to some fun, so some kind soul please help me adhere back to my original plan?


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