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Reflective Journaling - An Act of Resistance

With everything that has been going on globally as of late, there has been an overwhelming amount of information shared across various platforms, from all directions. It has been a rather overwhelming week, also because I just resumed working after close to 2 months of being furloughed. I see the goodness in the conversations that I'm having with some people. I just decide to lay low for abit and manage my consumption on social media not only because there was sensory overload, but also because reading too many headlines, short summaries and notes in bite-sized pieces while can be helpful, hinders the deep processing of our thoughts, slowly reflecting, thinking and formulating our opinions. I'm still pretty much an ol skool person who sees value in journaling (though digital), and the way words can immortalise moments, sentiments, thoughts and feelings. It definitely allows me to explore ideas, thoughts and sentiments slowly, but in greater depth. It definitely is a form of resisting the fast-paced world of information and getting in touch with the universe within us.


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