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Random Dream Job List

Before I forget the jobs I may want to venture at some point in my life, I think I better start listing them. I was thinking about the whole settling down in UK and how it must be like to start anew and to find jobs. I know that I need to start paying my dues first, and that means I may not land in ideal or dream job at the first attempt. This got me excited because then I could then explore all the other random things I want to do: -

  • Tour Guide. Yes this is an irony because I am a traveller who avoids going with a tour group at all costs. I take on tours only when some places I'd like to go to are inaccessible and challenging to go to on my own. This is also an irony considering that I don't like how the places tour guides tend to bring you are the MAINSTREAM and touristy places. But I tinkled with this idea for a bit when I was going through a serious burnout while I was Probation Officer. I looked at the Tour Guide courses they offered in Singapore. So, if I'm going to be based in the UK, I think I could perhaps try this out. I think I have the energy to be a Tour Guide, and I have always enjoyed walking and talking about buildings, places, heritage, culture, nature. And most importantly, giving my own personal flavour and choice when I demonstrate oft-beaten places.
  • Coffee Barista. This has been something I have always wanted to do ever since I was a teenager. I am not a coffee person at all (you can say that I drink coffee like once in 2 months or so), but I would love to brew coffee and make different types of coffee. I think it would be a skill that is fun to acquire.
  • Photographer. Not a professional one, but just a budding photographer if you like. One thing I learn about myself is that I enjoy taking pictures, mainly pictures of nature and landscapes. I do think that I could be pretty good at taking pictures of people too and especially in taking candid pictures and generating ideas that would make a photo fun. I have always intended to take up photography skills but a part of me have always resisted this idea because it seems like the whole world is doing it and I don't like being mainstream and doing things like everyone else. But having said that, I do think it's worthy enough to take this up. I just need to invest in a good camera, which is always a big chore for me (I take ages to shop for something expensive).
I guess I can dream and not afraid to pen them down once in awhile, although there is a high chance it may not become a reality. But even so, this list seems to tell me that I do yearn to nurture my creative side.


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