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Showing posts from May, 2019

Random Dream Job List

Before I forget the jobs I may want to venture at some point in my life, I think I better start listing them. I was thinking about the whole settling down in UK and how it must be like to start anew and to find jobs. I know that I need to start paying my dues first, and that means I may not land in ideal or dream job at the first attempt. This got me excited because then I could then explore all the other random things I want to do: - Tour Guide. Yes this is an irony because I am a traveller who avoids going with a tour group at all costs. I take on tours only when some places I'd like to go to are inaccessible and challenging to go to on my own. This is also an irony considering that I don't like how the places tour guides tend to bring you are the MAINSTREAM and touristy places. But I tinkled with this idea for a bit when I was going through a serious burnout while I was Probation Officer. I looked at the Tour Guide courses they offered in Singapore. So, if I'm going to