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2017 seems like a year of redemption for me in many ways which I'm deeply thankful for. Time factor has a lot to do with it and I'm grateful to attain a level of work-life balance that makes time for personal growth & development and to nurture my other interests. The defining moments were those of risk-taking and taking chances, stepping into discomfort and walking into unchartered territories. Be it showing up when it's difficult, having tough conversations, showing love even when it may come with no guarantees and risking pain, recognising my overly apologetic nature when I shouldn't have to in some situations, and learning that saying no doesn't need to bring along guilt. 2017 flew before me just like that, in a very good way, but it also confronts me with a feature of time we often overlook - the kindness and patience that it provides. Even if 2017 did not go the way we planned, time has been patient with us, as it has always been all these years. To see us through low points and failures and offer us the space to bounce back and move forward, to let us experience both the sinking and rising. Time heals, time gives chances, time facilitates growth, time reunites us with our potential and capabilities, time redeems. Time tells you, it's okay have another go at it, let's try again. 2017, as a redemption year personally for me, affirms this. For all the time I will catch myself saying "when is it time?", I hope this writing serves as a reminder to self. Give time, time. Trust time. Let time, be. Let time reveal to you when it comes, this 2018. We do our work, and let time do its work too.


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