As an avid dreamer, I've always found myself falling in love with ideas, ideals, dreams and possibilities. It can be great when there is a need for optimism and ideas to bounce around. But it opposes me as well. They are like clouds floating above my heads, beyond my reach. They aren't anything concrete nor tangible. At the end of the day, they stick to being in their original and their only forms; they remain being ideas and they are not something I can physically hold on to, see or touch.
I thought that thinking about endless possibilities means that I'm pushing boundaries and expanding horizons. I thought this meant that I am open to anything that inspires me, be it theories, concepts, ideas, possibilities. I thought that perhaps not putting any limits helps me to go farther in life. But the very idea of falling in love with ideas and possibilities itself is limiting because my mind is limited. They are what I think is possible, they are ideas borne out of what I can possibly conceive and what I have created on my own accord. The danger of consuming too many ideas and possibilities without concretising them is tricking into self that these are reality when they aren't.
I realised that while playing around with ideas is good, I need to recognise that the right and the best way to expand my horizons is to seek it from the right Source. And that is Allah s.w.t. He is the source of Infinite possibilities. How can I, a weak and feeble servant claim to delight in my own limited ideas, ideals and possibilities when God knows the entire Universe? How can I despair and be disheartened when the ideas and possibilities didn't come into fruition or go the way I want them to, when to begin with, I lack that far-sighted ability to transcend my own imagination of what I can possibly attain? He knows exactly what is best for me, He has access to these untapped possibilities, potentials and the unknowns which I may not be able to conceive.
This brings me back to the notion of surrender and trust. Surrender my ideals and trust and ask from the One who created and knows the entire Universe.
"Bismillahi tawakkaltu ala Allah. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah"
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