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If I could blow bubbles
And watch them burst upon touch
If I could stare at the sun
And risk my eyes being scorched

If my hands reach out to the clouds
Only to collect wisps of air
If I attempt to run after my shadows
And tire myself from this futile affair

If I could smell the fragrance of roses
And watch the petals crumble into pieces
If in a moment of despair and sorrow
I seek in the comfort, they may not last till tomorrow

If I could taste sweetness on my tongue
Diminishing gradually into nothingness
If I had learnt the intricate connection
Between expectations and disappointments

If some days look like triumph
Other days I retire home defeated
If I thought I had a taste of the throne
To be brought back to my own position

If I try to linger and cling onto a moment
Before moments fade into memory
If I thought I had finally found true love
Only to learn that he was temporary

If I chase sunsets after sunsets
Endeavouring an unquenchable quest
If this world can contain so much pain
There's still compassion and love in this beating chest

If I could find in a barren land, a well
And stumbling into a rainbow after a storm
If I could constellate the stars
Carving them into possible shapes and form

If I could sit by the crashing waves
Sending well wishes to the other side
If I could stand before the mountains
Wishing I could forever behold this sight

If it is in this witnessing and hoping
Blooming and wilting
Living and dying
Stumbling and rising
Breaking and healing
That I'm seeing glimpses
Glimpses of perfection
Signs of heavenly evidence

Flashes of hope, of light
Of beauty


Then I'm thankful
Then I'm hopeful
Of this perfect alternate reality


Your promise



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