I was so blessed to be enlightened by 2 inspiring souls over a talk yesterday.
Somehow I felt that the essence of the talk really spoke to me and did some kind of a poke to my soul to say that yes, this is exactly what you needed to hear, you weary soul.
I was reminded of all the things I believed in and somehow tucked at a corner of my soul. The sharing at the talk was about purposeful travelling and one of which transcends the material and extrinsic world but really a journey inwards and journey to self discovery. And this journey is a means to attain a higher state of spirituality and in essence to be closer to the Beloved. Although the talks are about travels, I do believe that the essence of the sharing could also be about purposeful living. Somehow I had lost some touch with some of these intrinsic notions.
"The wound is where the Light enters you".
I was reminded that void is where Light could enter. And the speaker referred to Rumi many a times. It has come at a very timely period where I sense a hollow void and trying very hard to deal with it. But this reminds me that perhaps where there's noise, it would be hard to connect within and in turn, with God.
Another takeaway is embracing the unknown. Very much related to what I had written recently. Rumi says "What you seek, is seeking you". And I hold on to this notion very dearly. I am that person who believes that there is something out there what is meant exactly for you. It could be a life mission, a life purpose, a life companion, anything. And I know that deep down, there is something I am meant to do.
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