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Showing posts from June, 2013

Life stories

Although there are some days when I feel like pulling my hair, or finding myself sounding super-duper firm that I scare myself and having a headache thereafter, and having to adjust back to being compassionate through advising and counselling, I feel so thankful to be able to meet different people from all sorts of backgrounds. They can add on to my pile of work, just by conveniently deciding to break the law again, or run away from Singapore. I have people who would make me laugh, just because the things they say are so innocently funny and how they make me smile, when they share with me what they had done with their families over the weekends, or what they have learnt from the programmes and courses. Or when I have to give a warning when the most ridiculous excuse thrown at me for not turning up for reporting was "I don't want you to work late ah Ma'am, I feel bad." and anyhow decided on my behalf. I enjoy learning from the streetwise people, and especially from m

Against the winds

I realized I've been having numerous down-times. Too many and far too long for my own good. It was only today when I realized this when a close friend taught me some valuable key lessons. That doesn't mean that we're sad, gives us the right to lose faith altogether in those who really care for us. It could be that they might not show the concern in the way that we want them to, but the most important thing is, they care. Doesn't mean that we've been hurt, gives us the right to dwell in our own little world and ignore everyone and everything else. Because we are not only human beings, we are functional  human beings whose heart still beats no matter how many times the world breaks it. Most importantly,   I've also learnt that every take-off is against the wind, and not with it. So first things first, it's time to lift myself off of the ground.