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Showing posts from January, 2013

93 million miles

I've been so hooked to this song for the past couple of weeks. And am still hooked. Sometimes it may seem dark, But the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know, you’re never alone, You can always come back home.  Every road is a slippery slope, There is always a hand that you can hold on to.  Looking deeper through the telescope, You can see that your home’s inside of you. Just know, that wherever you go, No you’re never alone, You will always get back home.

The power of tears

The other day, I visited the dentist. She's my newfound favourite dentist because she not only does her job just by examining teeth and calls it a day, she would further explain and educate me on what she had done to my teeth and plus, she's really nice. But that day, it was a painful visit. The dentist hit a very sensitive part of my gum near the upper front teeth, and as natural as it was, tears started flowing down my cheeks that even the assistant had to wipe them off for me as the dentist was still cleaning my teeth. I told the dentist afterwards, "I'm so sorry I teared. I just... had to. It was so painful." I was still surprised at myself because I never had the intention to cry, it was something beyond my control. It was merely a physiological reaction. Just like how our eyes start to tear when we cut onions. I went home that night thinking so much about tears. I thought about the times when I cried. Why do we cry? Why was this reaction even created? It...

New case

So today, I received a rather interesting case which is highly likely to be challenging. Amongst all the cases I've got, this might be a tough one. But in this line of work, it only gets more exciting the tougher it is. I am so stoked on this upcoming social investigation :) Hoping that it will run smoothly. - Give us the eyes that see the best in people, A heart that forgives the worst, A mind that forgets the bad, And a soul that never loses faith. Ameen.

So long, 2012

Just like every year, I'd spend some time reflecting back on how the year has been. For me, 2012 has been a year of milestones. And because of that, the year flew past me, just like that. From spending my last semester in school, doing up a research paper, finally graduating, tasting what working life feels like through an enriching internship and embarking on my very first full-time job. And experiencing life's ups and downs in between. I'd like to believe that my 2012 has been good overall and I should bid the year goodbye with much gratitude. There were several things 2012 has taught me: 1) To come to terms that it is impossible to rationalize every single thing and that some things are meant to be irrational. To be seeking for justification or explanation for everything, and to make sense of everything would be unattainable and impractical. Rationalizing is the works of the brain, but often we do things purely because we want to. Sometimes what the heart wants ...