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Quiet affair

'Cause there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it's sent away. - Sarah Kay

The stars almost never shine, and the sky is always bright here. But the best way to chill after work is to spend a couple of days in a week to really lie down and gaze at the night sky despite all that. To distance yourself away from the crowd and to embrace silence and quietude. With the best of company. To walk to a nice park and lay down the mat by the lake, and to eat rich chocolatey cakes and oily, soggy fries. To fill the silence with basic catching up, to deeper conversations about life, to spazzing about the favourite lines and scenes from The Notebook, and back to comfortable silences. To feel the breeze seep into the bones and to enjoy the moment of tranquility with just the wind, the water, and to feel the body so close to nature, while lying on the ground. To watch the silhouette of the trees against the red sky that is almost filled with rain. To climb that one pyramid you grew up climbling and lie down for what seemed like an hour of peace despite occasional discomfort. To feel good about setting the trend and to see how a couple decided to do the same soon after. To drift in and out of sleep with the sound of children's laughter as the backdrop and to lose track of time. To take a stroll and allow the feet to make their way towards the sound of crashing waves. To watch people releasing lanterns after lanterns, and to watch how the fire against the sky diminishes and gradually disappears as the lanterns slowly fly up, up, up and away. To wonder how it's like to be up there, and to never know how beautiful the way the Earth shines from the universe. And to be reminded how insignificant and tiny everything, and anything actually is, from up there.

Which reunion would she not make a huge racket out of?, they wonder.


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