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I was told by numerous colleagues to "enjoy this honeymoon period" and I decided that I should make the best out of the free time that I have now. The last time I stayed in the office just about 30 minutes more than my supposedly knock-off time, I was shoo-ed away by my colleagues. Fancy being kicked out somewhat because I have "lots of opportunities in the future to stay back". So since I'm under probation (if you know what my job is, you'd find this pretty pun-y and funny really), I find myself having lots of energy and so I thought of channeling this excess energy into constructive things rather than just bumming and sleeping all the time. And so I decided to run.

I used to jog pretty regularly before I entered uni. I run whenever I feel stressed, I run whenever I feel sad, I run whenever I feel ok, I run whenever I feel triumphant, I run because it was part of my CCA, I run as an excuse to go outside and see the world in a flash, I run to clear my mind, I basically run because I thought running should be integral to my life in order to stay healthy and fit. It was too bad I lost the will to run, I became extremely lazy and busy, and spent the next few years stressing over schoolwork, enjoying life by pigging out and simply put, I led a rather sedentary lifestyle. If not for outdoor activities, I probably haven't worked out for a long time. Thank God for them.

So I decided to start running again today. There was fear and major procrastination of course. The last time I tried jogging, I stopped right after about ten minutes, feeling absolutely breathless and defeated. But I spent my entire Monday building up on this idea of jogging and the first step really, is to come back home, immediately change out, grab my shoes and head out to the nearby park which I love. And I made myself to do just that. It was a nice night, cool weather for a run, and the best part was there were so many others who were jogging as well. And the outcome was good. I'd like to think of the experience akin to popping pringles. Once I started, I couldn't stop. It is as if this inertia decided to take a break and let go, and allow me to move through the air and let nature take its own course. And in a very long time, I haven't felt this rejuvenated.

I wouldn't say I love running. The thing about running is it is really not an easy task. If you get me to choose between badminton and running, I'd choose the former anytime. Running involves a whole lot of things; knowing how to breathe properly and how to maintain that throughout the run, which also have to be in synchrony with the speed of running and how fast our limbs move, and the most difficult challenge in my opinion, is having the mental strength. But I dare say I love the after-effects of a jog; the way my heart beats so fast I cannot hear anything else, the rapid breathing which will gradually slow down as I stop running, feeling the air cool down the body, letting the sweat evaporate and best of all, how every inch of the muscles feels so alive.

So big deal, I had a good run in a very long time. The problem is how do I make this into a routine? How do I stay committed to jogging? And I thought and thought and as I was taking a slow walk around my neighbourhood, I noticed how torn and tattered my pair of running shoes was. And immediately I knew what I had to do as a first step to keep myself motivated.

I shall get myself a new pair of awesome running shoes. After my first pay that is.


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