I know I haven't been blogging for at least a month. Falling sick is indeed a double-edged sword cos for one, I have a reason to slow down and rest. I realised I haven't done some of the things I totally deserve, like catching up on Glee, and perhaps this blog, which I've been neglecting a lot, woops.
There has been a lot of good music lately. I chanced into this one. Nearly screamed cos it's REGINA SPEKTOR MEETS RADIOHEAD! She did a cover on 'No Surprises'. Awesome or what!? Regina, please come to Singapore!! If it's anyone, it should be her because she's an exquisite singer.
So on updates, there has been a lot going on lately. Deadlines, assignments, presentations. A traumatizing encounter with a stranger. And, a sudden death of a friend. May he rest in peace. Dear God, please heal the people who love him and may they move on with their lives for in Hereafter, we shall all meet again. Death has been a looming subject at one point of time. It has ingrained in me that it is a part of the life's equation, whether we like it or not. And that somehow, each of us has to go. I came across our dear Marilyn Monroe's quote on death, she mentioned something like how peaceful it would be to be resting and be surrounded with flowers, and without needing to think about yesterday, today or tomorrow. Death has struck me so deep because the death of someone I know personally gives me a reminder that life is indeed short. And at that point in time, my mind was fixated upon the whole uncertainty of it, not knowing how, or when we have to go. Well, at least there's one thing we all can be sure of, to make sure we live life to the fullest, and that there are no regrets, and that life is worth living for. Because sometimes, we really don't know how to live. So live my dear friends.
So while each of us has been battling with our own little things, there are greater bigger, things out there. Just when we thought that life sucks, there are people dying. My heart goes our to the Japanese victims. I really admire them so much for their strength. May they grow stronger in this adversity.
On a lighter note, I want to thank all my lovely friends who have made my birthday an awesome one.
Yes this shout-out is totally overdued!
Can't wait to read these:

Yeah it's a coincidence that these books are written by Japanese. I didn't manage to catch 'Never Let Me Go' as I had intended because I really have no time! But I'll settle on for reading first (:
Anyway, gotta find 10 newspaper cuttings and write an 8-page essay on them by Monday, and progress is really 1% boohoo. Why don't we have a CTRL + F button in real life?
There has been a lot of good music lately. I chanced into this one. Nearly screamed cos it's REGINA SPEKTOR MEETS RADIOHEAD! She did a cover on 'No Surprises'. Awesome or what!? Regina, please come to Singapore!! If it's anyone, it should be her because she's an exquisite singer.
So on updates, there has been a lot going on lately. Deadlines, assignments, presentations. A traumatizing encounter with a stranger. And, a sudden death of a friend. May he rest in peace. Dear God, please heal the people who love him and may they move on with their lives for in Hereafter, we shall all meet again. Death has been a looming subject at one point of time. It has ingrained in me that it is a part of the life's equation, whether we like it or not. And that somehow, each of us has to go. I came across our dear Marilyn Monroe's quote on death, she mentioned something like how peaceful it would be to be resting and be surrounded with flowers, and without needing to think about yesterday, today or tomorrow. Death has struck me so deep because the death of someone I know personally gives me a reminder that life is indeed short. And at that point in time, my mind was fixated upon the whole uncertainty of it, not knowing how, or when we have to go. Well, at least there's one thing we all can be sure of, to make sure we live life to the fullest, and that there are no regrets, and that life is worth living for. Because sometimes, we really don't know how to live. So live my dear friends.
So while each of us has been battling with our own little things, there are greater bigger, things out there. Just when we thought that life sucks, there are people dying. My heart goes our to the Japanese victims. I really admire them so much for their strength. May they grow stronger in this adversity.
On a lighter note, I want to thank all my lovely friends who have made my birthday an awesome one.
Yes this shout-out is totally overdued!
Can't wait to read these:

Yeah it's a coincidence that these books are written by Japanese. I didn't manage to catch 'Never Let Me Go' as I had intended because I really have no time! But I'll settle on for reading first (:
Anyway, gotta find 10 newspaper cuttings and write an 8-page essay on them by Monday, and progress is really 1% boohoo. Why don't we have a CTRL + F button in real life?
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