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Il Dolce Far Niente!


One of the best things about the school holidays is the fact that I finally have "me" time I've never had enough of during the buzzling school semesters. True that I've been going out every single day last week ever since my last paper, but spending time at home and doing the things I've wanted to like catching up with my shows, movies, reading, music, stoning, lying down but not sleeping, television, lingerrr.blogspot, tumblr, have never felt so blissful for these couple of days.

My playlist/soundtrack as of late :)
  • Fade Together - Franz Ferdinand
  • Fidelity - Regina Spektor
  • Foundations - Kate Nash
  • Mushaboom - Feist
  • Le Festin - Camille
  • L'Uomo Che Amava Le Donne - Nina Zilli
  • Uncharted - Sara Bareilles
  • The Goldfish Song - Kina Grannis
  • Drumming Song - Florence + The Machine

I cannot imagine a better world without good, awesome music in it.

I just recently watched 'Love Happens' on HBO and I cannot help but to share some of the quirky words they used:

1) Quidnunc: a person who is eager to know the latest news and gossip; a gossip or busybody
2) Poppysmic: the sound produced by smacking one's lips
3) Sesquipedalianist: a person who uses long, unusual, sometimes obscure words in speech or writing

What sesquipedalianism.

Oh and I've decided to put 'Il Dolce Far Niente' as my entry title today because I feel that I have mastered the 'art of doing nothing' (as what it means) for these few days. I did mention this quote before, it's adapted from the book 'Eat, Pray, Love', which I've watched the movie on Monday (unfortunately i didn't manage to catch the movie when it was in the theatres). I must say that I love the movie. I didn't find it boring as I heard some people would think, I find it particularly therapeutic. So, as much as I love the book, the same goes for the movie. I must say that Julia Roberts is the perfect elizabeth gilbert they can ever find.

And I'd like to go to Italy and learn Italian, pretty please? I like how Italians speak with their hands :)

Yesterday Rui Qi and I surprised Joy at the airport before she departed to Australia. I love surprising people. And oooh, the Esplanade library will be one of the occasionally visited as Mademoiselle Rui Qi told me that we can borrow free DVDs for a month, it's like borrowing books, but in movies form woohoo! Speaking as a movie buff!


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