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Hot Chocolate

So I'm planted in Starbucks at One Fullerton with Aiman because we spontaneously decide to spend our day in starbucks with our laptops, good reads and nice cuppas. Perfect way of spending the day, there's an awesome view of the Integrated Resort, nice jazz music, and my lovely hot chocolate on such a chilly weather. And what made the day perfect is the fact that there are free drinks 5-7 pm! It's the time of the year again, folks.

Totally my perfect idea of chilling, am loving the school holidays :D

My list of things to watch:

1) The Big Bang Theory
2) HIMYM season 6
3) Gossip Girl
5) Hana Yori Dango 2
6) My many many movies :D

So the past 2 days have been spent with my lovely girls. Went to watch 500 Days of Summer at Joy's, played Monopoly Deal and spent the evening at TWG, a totally tai-tai way of spending the night. But no doubt, the tea was good, I really think the appreciation of tea is an indication of how people grow up and acting like adults, hmmm. And yesterday went to meet the girls again (don't I get sick of you guys? haha!) to watch HP for the second time (for me and ruiqi), and still enjoyed it. Like, I love Luna Lovegood's humour please. "That's an odd place to put something in your shoe, Harry". And then an awesome shopping spree, am loving every bit of it! I am one happy girl, and I was totally deprived of such shopping moments for the entire semester!


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