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Then, and now

You know, the bad thing about not having the time to blog is that, I keep relying on the "save drafts" option, which obviously haven't been good at producing entries for a month! Well for obvious reasons, it's either I lost the mood to continue where I left off, or that I couldn't bring myself to sort out my thoughts well. So I shall give a summary/accumulated/condensed version of what's been written on my "save drafts";

- How much I have to read my psych texts
- How heavy my eyelids were while doing so
- How fast time flies
- Eid
- Being known as the "polar bear" by the MNO tutor, sheesh
- Sat for a French listening comprehension test without knowing it was on that day, double sheesh
- Universal Studios
- Best popcorn bought, everrr.

Voila, saves lotsa words ain't it? So that while I'm here I can blog about more recent things. So finally, I am so over and done with the mid-terms. Of course the pending presentations are still not done, but at least now I can slow down a little bit. Il faut que je respire!

Ok, so with the more exciting, recent things:

Spoke to really friendly French manager and waiter from TWG, this awesome chic tea restaurant at Ion. Ok, I am in fact, even more excited than how I sound now. I am actually bewildered how people whom I came across like from YOG, or even this French-Algerian man I met, could ask me this "Are you a Muslim?" Well, I guess what I observe from different settings is the tendency for human beings (including myself) to ask really obvious questions just to start conversations. Hypothetically, I can imagine myself asking a French, after hearing them speak, "Vous ĂȘtes français?" just so I can pursue on with further conversations. Or perhaps we see our neighbour carrying some bags of groceries and immediately ask, "Just came from market ah?". Yeah stupid but the things we do to start a conversation. So although I do receive the same obvious question every now and then, I'll always think of it as a socializing tool. Oh and just so you know, my dire need to speak french to the natives drove me to bring my group of friends to TWG the second time, and I felt mostly welcomed :) Go try the macaroons there!

So few weeks back, I had a cousins' gathering at Abg Khir's awesome penthouse in town. One thing I love about driven, passionate people is that they make it all seem so contagious. And by this I mean, Abg Khir has always given me that dosage of inspiration and passion each time we shared conversations. He spoke so well of the malay cuisine, of our heritage, of family history. He spoke so highly of my late grandmother, of the big yellow house my forefathers used to stay in, of family love. And he won me with all his modesty despite being successful and well-off. It was a splendid time spent, we ate really awesome food; some type of mee siam, an older version where the noodles are not swimming in thick, red gravy, just with small, sufficient amount. If you ask me what kind of person I'd like to be in the future, it would be like how my second cousin is.

So for some bimbotic fun, there was this one time in french class where I sniffed some deliciously-homemade muffins baked by nuurun and being caught in the whole sniffing action in front of my french professor, who simply stood there and stared at me, looking faintly amused. Ok geez. Actually, the main bulk of the whole excitement right now, are really the seasons of Gossip Girl, Glee and HIMYM I've been watching :D

So if you can see this written entry on my blog, then I'm slowly breaking away from the "save drafts" habit! Ciao.


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