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Modules this semester:
- Social Psychology
- Paediatric Psychology
- Learning and Conditioning
- French 5
- Management and Organisation

So tomorrow, or rather, later, will be the start of a new semester. Daym, Year 3 sounds so old. I'm feeling pretty apprehensive because some of the psych modules above are rather heavy. I am uber scared for French because this time round it is mostly about French literature which is something new and foreign to me. And that apprehension is futher aggravated upon seeing that my lecturer could be the same one I had 3 semesters ago. Not that he's bad, just that he always has tendencies to call my name whenever I was off-guard or wasn't prepared for answers, like all the time. Do you know how silly that looks? Imagine question marks all over my face while trying my best to form sentences in my head. Ok but thankfully because of him, I bucked up a lot and that probably contributed to why I'm still pursuing this language. So yeah, this is a challenge (: Excited for the psych modules and MNO too! MNO tutorials would be heavily graded upon and they involve a couple of debates.

Summing it up, I am surprisingly enthusiastic for school.
Summer's out people! (except that it's not)

While Lina was cruising us around Singapore for some good food and good chillax session on Sunday night, Things I'll Never Say by Avril Lavinge was being played.
I forgot how awesome it is, especially the lyrics.

I'm tuggin' at my hair
I'm pullin' at my clothes
I'm tryin' to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
And I'm searching for the words inside my head

'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Tryin' to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it

What's wrong with my tongue?
These words keep slipping away
I stutter, I stumble like I've got nothing to say.

If I could say what I wanna say
I'd say I want to blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I wanna see
I want to see you go down on one knee
Marry me today

Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say.


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