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This is my now

Howdy har har everyone!

I know it's been sometime since I've written. I feel like there's nothing much to write because the truth is, you never know what's really in store for you. Remember four months ago I was excitedly writing about how I cannot wait for the summer break to come and the list of plans I mentioned? One thing I learnt is that, we can make endless plans, but they don't always go our way all the time. Some may look promising at first but they fail and turn their backs on you towards the end. Yes, because human beings are only capable of planning, otherwise we have no control over the outcome. And look where we are now! It's almost coming to the end of July. I'm not expressing disappointment though, I am actually glad that these couple of weeks I've been pretty much rotting away and slacking. So I didn't get an internship just like I wanted to (and yes, NOW I finally believe my seniors when they said that psychology majors would face difficulties in this). But I did do other things instead, I'm too lazy to mention them, you'd know if you follow through my entries.

But the best of these two weeks, I'd say it's How I Met Your Mother and million other movies I caught :)

“The other problem with all this swinging through the vines of thought is that you are never where you are. You are always digging in the past or poking at the future, but rarely do you rest in this moment”
- Eat, Love, Pray

I'm still reading Eat, Pray, Love. This book has ingrained in me so, so many insightful ideas and notions and fragments of thought. I'm slowly beginning to believe that the relationship I have with books is one with a twist of magic and coincidence because each time I read a book, it's kind of in sync with what I'm actually going through or what I actually needed at one point in time. Perhaps for some intellectual stimulation, motivation, fun and pleasure, or just to plant a realisation in my head or for some good epiphany that will make me awed. So I picked this book sometime ago and came across the excerpt above. And that's when I realised. What I found myself doing this summer break is that, I kept prodding into the past and dreaming about the future. And never really living the present moment as fully as I should. It's probably the great deal of idling time I have in my hands which causes my mind to wander off like that. It took me this long to realise that, and thanks to the book, I shall constantly remind myself to live in the moment. This is life and this is it. This is the now. Now now now now now now :)

Kudos Elizabeth Gilbert! I'm searching for more books based on true inspiring stories just like hers.


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