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Of soccer and lots of free time

All I can say is Toy Story 3 is beyond awesome! It did a good closure and a wrap-up for the Toy Story sequels. And yes, partings are always sad (I'm referring to the last bit where Andy had to go for college), and AIMAN had to spoil the natural tears by saying "So, this is the part you're gonna cry?" So I didn't.

Yesterday I went for another volunteering session at autism partnership. Since the kids had their 2-week break, I feel like it's been ages since I've been there. Anyway, it was quite cool to see their pleasurable faces when they jumped onto the tiny trampoline. It's as if the looks are the kind that say that if I don't do the same I'm missing out so much in life. Ok exaggeration again. But yeah knowing that it cannot possibly hold my weight, I have this sudden urge to really jump on a huge one. And have a terrific time just like the kids.

As for the World Cup, I'm hoping for a Holland VS Germany finals. I think that the Germans had it this time, they are young, fast and tactical. Speaking of Germany, I'm sure some of you have probably watch this uber disgusting video of the German coach who I actually thought is one of the better looking and well-dressed coach. Alas, because his team of young players have been performing well, somebody have to compensate for the past victories. Yes, Joachim Loew and his uh, discrete shenanigans.


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