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The brightest and the faintest

I had my first paper today. I think that it was reasonably, moderately challenging but I think it's the sort of paper that didn't provide enough opportunities for me to display my true understanding of this module. Ah injustice, but I did my best! I still like Personality and I think Ryan Hong is such a funny, good lecturer haha. Hoping for the best still! :)

Me and xiang decided to take some break and then meet again just now to study till midnight at macs. I was pretty appalled actually with the crowd at macs (again, I forgot it's a Saturday, I mean, exam on a Saturday?!) because there were hoards of people sitting, all facing in one direction, towards the big plasma TV, showcasing some soccer match. I wanted to find seats but to no avail and I was thinking, who on earth would spend their Saturday night at Macs? Then I realised that I was in a more pathetic situation (who on earth STUDIES on saturday night?). Ok on a positive note, 3 more papers to go, and then, liberalism! :)

On the way home via the flyover, I was so absorbed with how the stars have been showing after so long since the weather has been rather chilly and cloudy at night. There were those instances when I wanted to experience that nature-self bonding by star-gazing but to great disappointment due to the cloudy sky. But tonight was good! I know that contrary to the popular kindergarten song, stars don't twinkle, but to what extent is this true?

Did you know that fans of any winning teams will experience higher levels of testosterone (even amongst the females)? So for those soccer fans out there, now you understand why you elicit (positively, triumphantly) agressive behaviour when your favourite team scores!


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