Screw social norms and standards. Screw benchmarks and expectations. Screw insincerity and facades. Screw superficiality. Screw empty words and empty promises. Screw people who come only when they need you. Screw greed, self-centeredness and narcissisms. Screw betrayals. Screw pride and arrogance. Screw hyprocricy and double standards. Screw rejection and exclusivity. Screw hostility. Screw those who turned their backs on you when you need them the most.
Just screw 'em all really.
I think people should also screw this in their heads; that doesn't mean others who naturally put up a strong front and show high resilience after a horrible event/incident should give them ANY excuses to think that these people are ok just so that they are not saddled with guilt. That is just one bad excuse. Wait, that is not even a freaking excuse.
And to all of you who are hurt/trampled upon/used/betrayed/etc. and who just do that silently, you should stop doing that and start giving people a piece of your minds.
Ah, finally I'm venting out. Pardon the negativity. Today was just one day the brain starts attributing to prior negative events. So I hope by the end of this sentence, I'm left with all positive thoughts again as per normal.
Just screw 'em all really.
I think people should also screw this in their heads; that doesn't mean others who naturally put up a strong front and show high resilience after a horrible event/incident should give them ANY excuses to think that these people are ok just so that they are not saddled with guilt. That is just one bad excuse. Wait, that is not even a freaking excuse.
And to all of you who are hurt/trampled upon/used/betrayed/etc. and who just do that silently, you should stop doing that and start giving people a piece of your minds.
Ah, finally I'm venting out. Pardon the negativity. Today was just one day the brain starts attributing to prior negative events. So I hope by the end of this sentence, I'm left with all positive thoughts again as per normal.
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