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Random Things

  • Nothing really beats friends being the prime reason to why school is fun. Because school has been fun and I hope, every other day too.
  • Serviced the laptop (which died on me last night) and it's fine now. I cannot imagine myself competing with 4 other people under this roof for that one shared computer teehee! (:
  • Where art thou, my French Textbook? Jeez, I have to find it before lecture next Tuesday. If not, ah, merde!
  • Being on campus = Hello teriyaki chicken pasta, chicken panggang, chocolate mints, strawberry soursoup juice, blueberry tart, fish asam pedas, carbonara, egg/tuna sandwiches, curry puffs.
  • Ran into Chem teacher back in JC in engine school today, what a place to see him.
  • Stomach mechanisms still screwed.
  • Was wondering if you will progressively enjoy eating things you abhor now (eg. green peas, long beans, brinjal) as you age. Why do adults eat yucky things?
  • Note to self: Refrain eating when there is not a need to = Whenever I am NOT hungry
  • Drive: Save some moolahs
  • Believes that one of the survival tips in life is; to really keep an open mind.
  • Psychology-related things are so expensive, in every sense of the word. Textbooks, bidding points, bleargh.
  • Just remembered how myself & co. began the first 2 weeks last semester with CARWASHING. No wonder it feels more relaxing this week (and hopefully the same for next!)
  • Went back to visit PJC on Tuesday and it has always felt good to talk to the teachers, they are sowsome!
  • My sister just made "et nous venons de {insert her school}" sounds Indian! WTH SO FUNNY PLEASE. Failed French accent, lmao.
  • Needs to seriously buy a swimsuit.

Random stuffs.

My heart goes out to victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti.


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