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Although this might sound too slow (yeah I know it is), Happy New Year! 2010 sounds like a pretty good year, and I shall usher it in with a positive note. 2009 has been a wonderful year for me too. Apart from it zooming past me exceptionally faster than 2008, I think it zoomed pretty well. Today's musings might not capture the whole of 2009 but here's some:

The good things in 2009:

  • The beautiful people around me, my family, friends, we all grew stronger. The university friends, I'm blessed to have made good friends from the sea of people in there. Am thankful that along the way, I've met good people. To sum this up, thank you to everyone who has been there. Each and everyone of you made my year by many, little different ways and although my dedication of time might be lesser to some, but do keep in mind that it is the quality and not quantity that matters. So thank you, I appreciate all my lovelies (:

  • The Usuals Formation (haha), am grateful for this!

  • I finally got the grip on how to survive in NUS, well, roughly. I didn't do that good in the first half of the year, but I'm glad I did better in the second half. In terms of module planning, studying methods, dealing with CORS, and most importantly the need to be an independent and resourceful student.

  • Went to the French Immersion in France! I think this might be the highlight of the year, because even till now, I could virtually see myself back there whenever I close my eyes and imagining France. It was great learning and picking up the language. To be able to speak and practise French with the natives was an amazing experience. It was nice travelling, enjoying myself, seeing monuments, experiencing homestay, school for 3 weeks there and just having a blast. It has been incredible and perhaps this is an understatement. Because of it, my love for the language grew into some kind of passion and I'm still enthused about learning it further. Merci!

  • Planning the CIP trip to India. Yes, I do speak for the rest of the excos, it was one hell of a commitment, but guess what? This can never be replaced. I love every single meeting be it after a long day in school, online, amidst the school term, well it's what makes the whole experience fun and exciting. And especially carwashing, it was one hell of an experience, truly back-breaking but it was the best! Who would have thought planning would be so fun? It didn't spell fun without the people in it!

  • And of course, went to India. Seems surreal to me still because it was only almost 2 weeks since I came back. It was a truly heartwarming, fulfilling experience. But if you ask me if it's enough, I'd say never. Being in Noida for 2 weeks and reaching out to the children while providing education, they never seem enough. You see the willingness and enthusiasm to learn from these kids, you just automatically develop this passion and an endearing connection with them. It's amazing how 2 weeks can create such connection and bonding, it broke my heart to even leave. It's amazing, being in some place where the world differ from yours, and you learn that there are so, so many people out there who are in need of help. Financially, emotionally, psychologically, physically. And it takes just 2 weeks to make a little difference.

  • To sum it up, I think I had more fun in 2009 than 2008 (: I am grateful and I thank God for gving me a year full of opportunities. Cheers to all the bonds forged, bonds strengthened, late-nights meetups, fun-filled outings/catch-up sessions, conversations and conversations.

What I resolve to do in 2010:

  • Ok, definitely I want to be as fit as before. 2009 has been a year of great food and uh, food. I miss the times when I used to jog/run occasionally and for pleasure.

  • Pull up the CAP score, still am determined to do honours! I still have 3 more semesters to do the pulling up! In other words, study harder (and of course play harder heee).

  • Maintain bonds with people (:

  • Be a better Muslim.

  • Cook and bake. Really, because I'm truly a foodie, I also aspire to cook well to satisfy my own stomach and for my fellow foodies!

  • Finish up the books that are waiting to be read. I should really make time for those!

  • Master French <3

  • To be stronger spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, to uphold my life principles

  • To be wiser, nicer, and causing less trouble to self and others

  • To be a better daughter, sister, friend, student, relative.

So I wish all of you a great year ahead. Let's hop on yet another ride and let's make the best out of it! Let's welcome doors of opportunities, the lessons to be learnt, the mistakes to be made, the highs and the lows.


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