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Strange activity?! Holy cows right!

I joined Twitter earlier this year because of Ellen Degeneres LOL! But as you can see from above, my activity level in twitter is zilch and I don't tweet. I think I only tweet-ed twice (I don't know why they are showing '0's up there) and I followed several people before. And how can because of the void in my twitter they suspended my account?! Reason why I'd like to tweet now is because some of my friends have been asking for my twitter, and I learn that it has been increasingly popular. Haha, oh wells, I'll probably create another!

This is not very good though. Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Blogger, FML, Lj, YouTube. Taking a toll in my life!

My family is uproariously laughing over Mr Bean series right now. The bizarre thing is, we all have watched Mr Bean series like millions of time in our whole life, but why is that we still find it funny and laugh? Although you anticipate what's coming from the series, you inevitably laugh. Seems like habituation never really took place. And the fact that the show is almost a mime (since Bean doesn't speak), it's funny. You know with his standard one-costume brown suit, nerdy hairsyle, hands/arms swaying frantically. Actions do really speak louder than words.

I ate Swiss Mushroom Tendergrill burger at BK just now, yum! I don't even know that this 'new' item is not new anymore because it's been around for awhile. I've one more thing to fulfill my sordid cravings, and that is McSpicy. Trust me, ever since Ramadhan flew, one of the things I unconsciously/subconsciously/consciously think about is food. After having had our lunch, Jiayi and I went to Macs just to eat ice cream during the super crowded lunch time hour. I want my McSpicy soon! Ok, I think I do sound like a glutton, but I am not completely! The other 95% of my thoughts are on other thingsssssss as well.

And you know what's sexxxxxxciting? I'm gonna go to see LEE MIN HO with my sister because he's coming to Ion Orchard's newly opened Etude House? I am excited! My truly favouritest Korean star is coming to small, island, sunny Singapore! Please let my dreams come true, and to be able to see him in person! *EXCITED TO THE MAXXXXXX*

One thing I really want to catch up is Gossip Girl Season 3! It has been out ever since 2 weeks ago and I have not even watched the first episode!

Shit I've French oral test tomorrow.
Si j’étais toi, je penserais à moi.


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