Ah, this is just an illustration of the upcoming gibberish you'll soon be reading. Funny huh? But it's true, isn't it? NOT specifically the examples up there, but more of the general idea of it. Of course amongst us all, there will be freaks. And of course, there will be the geniuses, the bitches, the geeks, the homosexuals, the delinquents, the gifted, the mentally unsound, the pretty, the ugly, the ordinary, and whatnots. We cannot expect each and every single homosapiens around to be as normal as your own standard of norm. And similarly, we cannot expect our standards to integrate into one to be called for a mutual consensus. In every single matter possible, there must be a balance striked. And there must be, in every society as well. It works just like a bell-shaped curve. This natural scientific invisible curve is how our society is based on. And perhaps that's how the hierarchy of things came about. The socially undesirable minority to be treated like dirt and ostracized, the socially desirable minority, on the other extreme, are treated like Kings and Queens. And the majority of us, we tend to put labels on these two extremes, and that's why this curve still persists.
ZOMG my French professor seriously has worser memory than me in remembering people's names. Sometimes she remembers my time, but there are times when she doesn't, and sometimes I was called "Farhana" and other times, she'd called me "et vous?" means "and you?". And today she called me Fakinah! OMG! It seriously sound like I have a vulgarity in my name! To think that she knows me ever since a year ago, lmao.
Anyway this is bad! I borrowed two Meg Cabot The Queen of Babble series books yesterday because I REALLLLY need bimbotic books but I've a test on Thursday! I shall refrain from reading anything else but abnormal psych.
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