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Hello! My tuition kid postponed my tuition to an hour later so am here to steal some time to blog.

If you're wondering, yes, I did go down to PS to see Lee Min Ho at Etude House. And if you've already known or read from the news, yes, he didn't turn up! Why? Because it was uber friggin' crowded to the max, and due to security reasons he couldn't come in. It was seriously crowded, like the whole of B1 level was filled and there were so many other people on every other level too! God. But isn't it sad?! The ambassador of Etude House could not even enter the small little shop he was supposed go to. In the first place, they shouldn't even hold the event at Singapore freaking Plaza! So after several times they announced to the whole mob that the event was cancelled, people started to go off. At first many insisted on staying because they actually thought that LMH would still come once the crowd dissipates. But of course not. So they decided to give out free goodies/products from Etude House and everyone else was so excited to get them as if getting those prizes would earn a view of LMH. Siao, all the snaking queues outside PS, from Starbucks all the way to the route to Istana! I mean, don't these people even check out WHAT were they queuing for before joining at the very end of the line? Thank God aishah & me checked out what the whole commotion and hype was all about, and you only get free products. The whole hype/incident was really amusing, I mean although I didn't get to see LMH (as expected), but being stuck in some mob for something exciting was really some experience LOL! Anyway, it's ok I guess I'll just watch BOF again. And better! Minqi actually recommended me a new korean drama called You're Beautiful.

So since on Saturday I didn't get to see Lee Min Ho, on Sunday, me and my stats group mates had an even more amusing encounter with Japanese tourists. We decided to meet up at Macs at Raffles City to complete our lab report. So anyway, when I happily found Jiayee&Ruiqi, I noticed there were 4 Japanese women in front of us. We were seated at this long, elevated tables at the side by the way. According to Ruiqi the women got very excited when I came (like wth for?). I was settled on my seat when this lady on the utmost right started making hand gestures at me, while munching on her food. And she started to vigorously nod her head, and I was thinking was that a greeting? And they started talking in incomprehensible Japanese to me! And they were like "Passport? Passport?" to me, and I was like HUH!? What passport and started looking at Ruiqi for help, and she thought that maybe they wanted to know my nationality. So I said, "Singaporean, here!" SO that's how the conversation all started. Jiayee tried to communicate to them as well by mentioning a few Japanese dramas. So I added, "Hana Yori Dango?" and wah, suddenly got sudden outbursts of excitement from them! Especially the super high woman with the mad hairstyle on the utmost right! She even did a high-five clap with me and after mentiong "Domyouji" a number of times. And this is not the usual excitement elicited from very excited people, but an even higher level of excitedness! I think we had a momentary culture shock right here in Singapore. So after the whole frenzy about japanese dramas, they showed us pictures of celebrities from this photo album, and we don't even know any of them! Oh oh, and they noticed my oriental-looking laptop bag in which they claimed that it was a Japanese product, and they also got excited because of that! There was also a mini Japanese wording at the side of my laptop bag and they attempted to make a translation. And the best of all, when I mentioned 'Ponyo', wah the crazy high woman on the utmost right (nearest to me, scary ok!) started singing Ponyo Ponyo! Ooooo lala, what an experience. The whole time they were being so animated with hand gestures and facial expression, I mean how else can we communicate? Can you believe how much I laughed (even in front of them) because I couldn't contain this amusement?


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