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C'est fou!

My Friday is as shown below:

7 am - 8 am: Alarm clock. Snoozed consistently
8:10 am: Finally woke up
8:10 am - 8:55 am: Showered and get dressed for school
9:00 am: Boarded 183. Zombified while listening to music
9:30 am: Reached school
9:35 am: At The Deck with Amey to do last minute incomplete French homework while enjoying favourite juice (strawberry & soursop mix). Still a little zombified. Did people-watching. Talked to Revathi for awhile
10:10 am - 11:45 am: Attended French tutorial. T'was fun and engaging.
11:45 am - 11: 55 am: Dilly-dallyed, bumped into Eva and spoke to her for awhile. Parted with tutorial friends. Went to tapao food (stingray asam pedas yum, for three days in a row, geez) for lunch
12:00 pm: Found ruiqi, jia yee and joy (lovely project groupmates for stats!)
12:00 - 2:00 pm: Purely doing Lab Report at AS3 with them. Exhibited signs of stress, panic, overwhelmness, sleepiness. Snacked on nuts and waffles.
2:00 pm: Ponned Genes & Society lecture, sorry Minqi! I'm always looking forward to tuesdays and fridays for minqi's company but had to miss it today!
2:00 - 4:00 pm: Purely doing Lab Report still with groupmates. But these people made all this bearable and fun (:
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Attended Abnormal Psychology tutorial. Zombified to the max (100% zombified). Couldn't talk, engage in discussions, feeling sleepy throughout, bleargh
5:35 pm: Replied to overdued texts/sms
5:45 pm - 6:00 pm: Dropped by AS3 again to check on groupmates
6:00 pm - 8 ish pm: Meeting with Team Nai Disha on Programmes. Sudden got really high. Tiredness can really cause crazy insanity. Loads of laughing, jokes, basically moments of highness and insanity yet again (:
8 ish pm: "Dinner" with nuurun, aalok & muriel. Again, it was all laughter-filled and craziness, love you guys! (:
8:30 pm : At home, showered etc. Ate proper dinner, watched tv, spend some time with family
10:30 pm: Left home to meet Jia Yee at Macs to continue with Lab Report
11:00 pm - 1:45 am: Lab Report with Jia Yee. Had a cuppa ice latte, which kept me awake even now.
2:00 am - Reached home (sent by J's father, merci!!)
2:30 am (now): Blogging!

I know the list above would probably cause you boredom. Anyway, I just had a long day as you can see, but due to the iced latte, am still awake!

I have genes assignment due next wednesday! Hope it's simpler than whatever that I've been doing these past few days.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow (technically, it's today) because I'll be seeing Lee Min Ho. Although I believe that it would be from a distance (hurhur), but still! I'm finally seeing my Korean star! But then again, what if Plaza Sing will be damn crowded I can't even see him? How pathetic! This reminds me of how I was crazy over Taufik Batisah and I was SO FAR from him at Jurong Point please. And I'll be seeing aishah and eva tomorrow! (:

Ok, I will try and be productive now while there's still the remaining effect of caffeine.


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