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You're beautiful


ANOVA, I shall be your new best friend. If you're that curious, ANOVA is not a person's name, it's just something... you gotta wiki it. If you're confused after having read any related materials of ANOVA, don't blame me hahhahaha.

I refuse to go back to sleep because then there would be a case of an interrupted, un-peaceful sleep. Rather keep up with the awake status for now. I've a meeting at 9 am in school to revise our project proposal nyeh.

Here's the deal. I guess if you're around arts long enough, you'll soon find yourself checking out girls more than guys. Not that the guys here are really that bad, it's not that at all. They dress well, some charismatic and yeah.. It's just that the ratio of girls and guys really suggests how outnumbered the guys are and I reckon that the majority happen to be more outstanding, and honestly, some arts girls are undeniably drop-dead gorgeous. Don't judge me, cos I'm not what you think. Anyway I've been seeing some glimpes of really good looking men around. Maybe they are freshmen? New faces yeah yeah. Maybe it was just a beautiful day. Beautiful faces everywhere.

The paragraph above are simply gibberish and mildly superficial but eyecandies in school subconciously ARE the reasons why you go to school for, don't lie!

If I constantly talk about food I might bore you guys to death but I adore the fact that Ramadhan = good food. Don't you? My mom cooked tomyam soup and fried macaroni last night. She's da superwoman, love her! Today is dad's birthday, happy birthday dad! Thanks for changing the current dvd player (samsung) which sucks, we got it for free. This really proves that some free things are completely worthless. But anyway this isn't the only reason why I love him (:


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