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Low tides

What goes up must come down. School's becoming mundane, and if I do speak about meaningful things, I'd only want to do that with someone who knows me best, for now. I don't care about anyone else. I don't feel like having small talks at the moment. So I plugged my ears with music. Sat next to the window in the bus. It was sunny, bright sunny. So I closed my eyes. And just drown. Drown myself in music. It has been quite some time since I lost myself in my world, my music. Let the sunrays bask on my face. And as I opened my eyes, everything else looked green. Wonders of closing your eyes under the Sun.

And so, yesterday marked the first day of the second half of semester. Recess Week has officially ended, boohoo, and what have I really done? Anyway I'm glad stats 2 midterm test was over, and I found it do-able (I hope). Thank God! I must start on genes second assignment, do a whole loadsa readings for abnormal and devt psych.

This SMS text between me and N is funny.

N: Eh, got any special seating arrangement or venues for midterms later? Just in case ada and I didn't know. Haha.
Me: I don't know about seating arrangements. I suppose when we're in the LT he might make us disperse a little bit. Who's ada? Haha!
N: Ada's not a person. Haha. Bahasa Malay lah.


"Ada" means "have" in Malay. It really does sound like a name when she texted me that! Not that my malay sucks ok. Tsktsk.

Speaking about Malay, some people have asked why is that Malay families like to stay at lower levels of an apartment block. Of course there are some anomaly, like my family for example who stays in the 14th floor. But I really don't know why majority of the malay community like to stay at the lower levels. Perhaps it's convenient for them? But now they have lifts accessing every levels, so it renders that reason unacceptable. So why ah?

I just realised that I don't have any affinity for rendang, be it beef or chicken. Now that it's still the Raya period so this topic of rendang is relevant. Anyhow, it's not that I loathe rendang to the point where I would make a disgusted face and vomit, I just don't love it. Not like how I love sambal prawns, or how I love hokkien mee or tomyam. It just made me wonder about our taste buds and how they react to different stimuli of variety of tastes.


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